Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [conj] giving " in BNC.

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1 It was partly with the new saw table and also he wanted to try and get more er sellable saleable product out of the slate , cos previously we had been throwing away quite a bit or giving it to and I think it really started as a family argument between him and his brother .
2 It was not a question of implying a term but giving the proper construction to the relevant word .
3 Well leaving them a key or giving them the key to get in .
4 One childless career woman described the scene when she discussed having a child and giving up work for a while .
5 This work , by Singer and Wynne ( 1966 ) , demonstrated communication abnormalities characterised by disruptions , vagueness , irrelevance and lack of closure ( such as answering with a question or giving contradictory information ) .
6 Anyone who has tried to alter their own habits , like going on a diet or giving up smoking , will realise the degree of ill-ease and anxiety it causes .
7 He contemplated becoming a teacher and giving up acting , except he could not shake off the desire .
8 People demonstrating how to use a product and/or giving free samples of food or drink .
9 Paintings erm have the power to take you back in time , I can look at a painting and remember something that 's happened yesterday or years and years ago and as a small child , looking at this painting I remembered as a small child seeing for the first time erm the sea dipping into er , sorry the sun dipping into , into the sea and being horrified I was convinced that the heat of the sun would boil the oceans and the world dry and it reminded me for an awful lot of my childhood and I 'm sure if I 'd seen this painting years ago it would of persuaded me otherwise , erm this is called In A Days Work Satisfaction in a days work , chosen not given , eating the laxed food , face turned to steer a sun , making cloth into a gown and giving colour to the side of a boat
10 In A Days Work , Satisfaction in a days work , chosen not given , eating the laxed food , face turned to steer a sun , making cloth into a gown and giving colour to the side of a boat erm we know come to a
11 Have you ever watched seasoned knitted diving into cartons of yarn , coming up with a cone and giving it a good sniff ?
12 So a company chairman earning $750,000 a year and giving $250,000 to the local orchestra would pay tax on only $500,000 .
13 Encouraging each governor to adopt a class and giving them an opportunity to report back on their visits helps governors to have a sense of purpose and enables them to frame general reports and LEA/DES regulations in the context of their adopted classes and children .
14 an instruction when giving sizes to artwork or photographs that other parts of the artwork are to be enlarged or reduced in proportion .
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