Example sentences of "['s] [adj] [noun pl] [modal v] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The IMF was beginning to think that Ukraine 's economic reforms might be worth supporting .
2 How each generation of parliamentarians in member states will try to guide the community 's political institutions will be for them to determine .
3 But Silverstone 's position as one of the world 's premier circuits could be on the last lap …
4 May I hope , however , that some of your magazine 's future escorts might be of a slightly higher intellectual calibre ?
5 Harrison 's unique timepieces will be on display in the Observatory when it re-opens to the public in March .
6 Some of the south 's top-staying chasers will be in action at Tweseldown , lining up for the areas ' longest race — the Field Seymour Parks four-mile mixed open .
7 If Britain guarantees that the Hong Kong government 's financial reserves will be above a certain level come 1997 , and if the airport 's costs are below a certain level , and if Hong Kong neither raises taxes nor issues debt to pay for the airport , and if China has a say not just on the airport but also on other franchises Hong Kong grants and , come to think of it , on other ‘ important ’ matters — if all that is conceded , then Hong Kong can have its airport .
8 Curbishley 's next races will be in the Inter-Counties match with Northumberland at the Cleveland County Stadium next Saturday .
9 One of Lehman 's main tasks will be to value ITN .
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