Example sentences of "['s] [adj] [noun sg] [conj] [vb -s] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 there is a similar teleology present in Marx 's historical materialism that says there are a series of economic modes of production that societies must pass through until socialism is reached , when the economic contradictions of all previous modes are resolved Lukács borrows the structure of Marx 's economic argument and applies it to the process of knowledge/consciousness/ideology , supporting his own argument with Marx 's economic theory .
2 there is a similar teleology present in Marx 's historical materialism that says there are a series of economic modes of production that societies must pass through until socialism is reached , when the economic contradictions of all previous modes are resolved Lukács borrows the structure of Marx 's economic argument and applies it to the process of knowledge/consciousness/ideology , supporting his own argument with Marx 's economic theory .
3 Into the blind man 's stony gaze and makes it His ,
4 There are , however , clear attempts to make us giggle , like when the Swamp Thing ( Dick Durock ) conceives a passion for Heather Locklear 's leading lady but tells her that he ca n't give her the love she wants because he 's a plant .
5 It works on the basis of a magnetic coil , which generates a high frequency radio signal , converting mercury gas inside the bulb into a " plasma " , emitting ultra-violet light which strikes the bulb 's phosphorous coating and makes it glow .
6 Second , GRiD announced the Convertible — the world 's first notebook that thinks it 's a pen computer .
7 This is best explained , not by suggesting that they do not have interests in common or that they are satisfied with things as they are , but by attending to the crushing significance of those ideas in society which preach that to be poor is an individual 's own fault and reflects his or her lack of preparedness to study and train , to work hard , to postpone having a family , or what have you .
8 Sarah also had to adjust to Rob 's new role and admits she had to change her approach from being the ‘ bossy older sister ’ to treating Rob as an equal .
9 In other words , it is the household 's relative income that determines its consumption spending .
10 Through these activities the newly acquired language is transferred to the pupils ' own world and enables them to talk about their own experiences .
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