Example sentences of "['s] [adj] [noun] over [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Engineers School is responsible for many of the Empire 's technical innovations over the past few centuries .
2 Jacques Delors 's celebrated outburst over the fine levied against Renault was a case in point .
3 What do you see as the advantages of Reddin 's 3-D Theory over the Managerial Grid of Blake and Mouton ?
4 God 's constant watch over the created world is compared to that of a female bird caring for its young , or a woman suckling her child ( these images come from the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament ) .
5 The single most impressive finding of the 1981 Census in relation to population distribution was the massive decline in population sustained by Britain 's larger cities over the previous decade .
6 Former Quins centre Ron Eriksson had plenty to celebrate with the only try in London Scottish 's 8-3 win over a rebuilt Gloucester side .
7 Reports indicated , however , that the decision to convene the latest meeting , which followed talks in Tehran between SAIRI and the Iraqi National Congress ( INC — sponsor of the Vienna conference ) , had been prompted by SAIRI 's growing concern over the INC 's high profile among Western governments .
8 Shortly before the posting to Malta he had claimed the unit 's first victory over a four-engined Fw200 .
9 As mentioned earlier in the chapter , the rapid growth of the ethnic minority populations is one of the major features of Britain 's demographic development over the past three decades .
10 In debate , the Home Secretary reiterated Wolfenden 's general position over the legal position of prostitution :
11 The reshaping of Virgin 's musical policy over the past three years , under Simon Draper 's direction , had positioned the record label perfectly to capitalise on the new developments in pop .
12 They are perfectly well aware that we have a unique portfolio for profitable growth : a portfolio of opportunities carefully and successfully identified by Palatine 's own management over the past two years .
13 In order to understand how we are to fight the Devil today , we need to realise that our fight is directly related to Christ 's own victory over the Evil One .
14 Iraq was the only Arab state capable of challenging Israel 's military hegemony over the Middle East , therefore Iraq 's military power had to be destroyed in order to restore the status quo .
15 Their Australian coach Darryl Van De Velde seemed to have found that elusive consistency last season , but such an assumption was shattered by Castleford 's spectacular collapse over the final weeks .
16 So much for the son 's manic triumph over the phallic mother symbolized by the arrogant domination and tree-felling exploits of Gilgamesh or the Amazon-slaying of the Greek heroes ; but what of the homosexual element in the situation to which I alluded earlier ?
17 She failed to win a coveted Emmy award for her show Roseanne , America 's most-watched sitcom over the past three years .
18 They resent the ISE 's bungling negotiations over a logical merger between LTOM and LIFFE , London 's financial-futures exchange .
19 Saddam 's linkage of the Kuwait issue with other regional problems was greeted with enthusiasm by many Arabs , who contrasted the West 's belligerent attitude over the current crisis with its virtual acceptance of Israel 's long-term occupation of Arab lands .
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