Example sentences of "['s] [noun] or [conj] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If the Scoutmaster says a novelty plastic umbrella stand is pure elephant 's foot or if the vicar 's wife passes off a gold-plated tie-pin as the real thing , they can be held to account under law .
2 These are sometimes suggested if a baby has an allergy to cow 's milk or if the parents are vegans , and is made from a soya bean protein ( an example is Wysoy ) .
3 The court had to decide whether the damage was solely as a result of the negligence of the plaintiff 's husband or whether the negligence of his workmate was also a factor .
4 What is not clear , even now , is whether another fort was established in the vicinity before the construction of nearby Stanwix on Hadrian 's Wall or whether the Carlisle position was left unguarded for a time .
5 In In re Midland Railway Co. 's Agreement [ 1971 ] Ch. 725 there was no ‘ clearly expressed bargain ’ that the term should continue until the crack of doom if the demised land was not required for the landlord 's undertaking or if the undertaking ceased to exist .
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