Example sentences of "['s] [noun] is [vb pp] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 The Cobra 's skin is considered to be highly magnetic , and friction with the earth could perhaps create an electro-magnetic effect .
2 The arbitrator 's decision is meant to be based on the other reasons , to sum them up and to reflect their outcome .
3 NCD 's base is believed to be largely in the technical arena .
4 On the one hand , it would seem that if a claim can be framed as one in contract or tort , or if it concerns a private legal right , it need not be brought under Ord. 53 even if the very ground on which the respondent 's action is alleged to be a tort or breach of contract is that it was illegal in a public law sense .
5 God 's plan is held to be comprehensive , and has been set for all time .
6 An Englishman 's home is meant to be his castle .
7 Today 's move is expected to be the conclusion of a bitter struggle for control of the group .
8 Smith 's job is whispered to be on the line since club chairman Leslie Kew said after City 's 4-0 defeat against Bristol Rovers last Sunday : ‘ Now we 're all under pressure .
9 Evidence of the Host 's appearance is said to be the red crotal ( lichen ) stain found on rocks the morning after a heavy frost , which is blood they have spilled during their aerial spats .
10 Lee 's intervention is expected to be warmly welcomed by City fans who idolised him during his playing days .
11 THE FUTURE IS FRENCH France 's Aerospatiale is poised to be the next owner of Piper .
12 Sun 's delay is believed to be related to bugs in the Cypress part which Cypress chief executive officer TJ Rodgers now admits exist but does n't detail .
13 Lady Watts , Sir Roy 's wife is said to be beside herself with worry .
14 She had learned , over the past five years , that a vicar 's wife is expected to be sympathetic , helpful , and above reproach .
15 On applications for pre-action discovery the court will not take into account limitation defences unless the prospective plaintiff 's claim is bound to be time barred ( Harris v Newcastle-upon-Tyne Health Authority [ 1989 ] 1 WLR 96 ) .
16 A nut-brown man by South Kensington standards , he is light-skinned in the West Indies : he is a Chinese Negro , who thinks of himself as a hakwai Chinee — hakwai , he explains , being ‘ Chinese for nigger ’ — and who has not failed to notice that Emily Brontë 's Heathcliff is rumoured to be the Emperor of China .
17 Frederick 's bed is said to be still in the palace , hanging from iron chains .
18 He suffers still , even if the widow 's life is said to be ‘ waning ’ , her eyes ‘ tear-reddened ’ , her freedom blighted — along with her happiness .
19 Perhaps one 's life is fated to be utterly haphazard .
20 Moreover , he says , Delta 's haemoglobin is guaranteed to be free of the viruses that could contaminate the blood-derived product , and of any residual matter from the blood cells that might trigger allergic reactions in patients .
21 The sense of harmony and purpose among Mr Major 's advisers is bound to be tested before long .
22 Sighvat 's poem is known to be incomplete , but surviving verses do not mention the battle , and Ottar the Black 's Knútsdrápa says that Cnut opposed or threw back ( hnekDir ) the Swedes there , and describes him as their withstander ( prengvir ) , neither of which is resonant of overwhelming victory , Indeed , if Holy River was known only from the Chronicle entry one would think it a defeat , but Ottar is unlikely to have included a famous reverse in a list of Cnut 's achievements , and the royal title used in the 1027 Letter ( see below ) suggests that he did eventually claim suzerainty over some Swedes .
23 Thus woman 's sexuality is held to be her most important asset .
24 Mohammadreza Nezameddin Mohaved 's health is believed to be deteriorating .
25 So we have suggested , erm , you will see in our evidence that policy H One should be amended and their are clearly a number of ways in which that amended amendment could take place , but we would particularly suggest that erm an indication should be given as to what the proportion of each district 's allocation is assumed to be going to the new settlement , if the new settlement is is agreed under the H Two discussion , thank you .
26 A significant proportion of the dolphin 's brain is thought to be used in processing the information produced by the echolocation system .
27 Now Nozick 's position is intended to be externalist ( Nozick , 1981 , pp. 265 — 8 and 280 — 3 ) .
28 Lonrho 's chief is expected to be left with about 7% of the company , which employs 137,000 people in international interests including publishing , car-dealing , mining and farming .
29 But the Department of Employment 's expenditure is planned to be 34 per cent .
30 Liverpool 's interest is believed to be in either Barton or central defender Scales as Graeme Souness seeks to strengthen his defence .
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