Example sentences of "['s] [noun] that he [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Taxi driver Alan Macdonald was so enraged by Linda 's story that he drove her straight to the Daily Mirror .
2 Benn was so impressed with Ceauşescu 's Romania that he found nothing odd in the following suggestion from Bruno Pittermann , the former chairman of Kreisky 's Austrian Socialist Party : ‘ Pittermann said he would like to see parliamentary links with Romania , Poland and Yugoslavia , and to study their election process and procedure .
3 It was n't the nigger 's fault that he had nothing to do for the moment .
4 What was an interesting development in the recent World Cup was Imran Khan 's confession that he used his bowlers in an attacking mode .
5 I was forced to put Micky Deere between the posts and the referee 's insistence that he remove his bi-focals meant he was two fathoms below useless .
6 But I 'd just like everyone to know for Daddy 's sake that he had nothing to do with it .
7 Coleman had agreed to Hurley 's request that he renew his DEA consultancy contract for the 1988 opium-growing season , and had cleared this with the DIA .
8 Sandy Pearlman , producer of ‘ Give ‘ Em Enough Rope ’ , so disliked Joe Strummer 's voice that he mixed it more quietly than the drums throughout the album .
9 So angry was Ian Paisley at the affront to Carson 's memory that he increased his tirade of abuse against O'Neill , produced Carson 's son to contest the Westminster elections in March ( promising four Protestant Unionists in all ) and only withdrew when he realised how devoid of constituency organisation he then was .
10 We do n't know how Beethoven conducted his music or how he would have conducted if he had been able to hear everything that was going on , but we know from Brahms 's letters that he allowed himself sometimes great flexibility .
11 Mr , you you 've er commented upon Mr 's objection that he made himself , but of course there are he is appearing for many others ,
12 It was clear from Hans 's face that he knew nothing about the allegations .
13 There is the rumbling , heard during the election campaign , that his organisation ‘ United We Stand America ’ is far from being the grass-roots citizens ' army that he says it is , more a body tightly controlled by Mr Perot and a handful of lieutenants in Dallas .
14 Irishman Mr MacSharry was so furious about Mr Delors ' interference that he resigned his post .
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