Example sentences of "['s] [noun] in [noun prp] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The agreement promises to leverage Kalpana 's strengths in Ethernet switching technology to boost Sparcserver network performance and availability .
2 Moreover , insofar as it suggests a commercial equivalence or de minimis rule , this would seem to be at variance with Lord Atkin 's approach in Arcos Ltd v EA Ronaasen and Son .
3 His position in England had to be secured , and early difficulties in Denmark , Thorkell , Olaf of Norway and Anund Jacob of Sweden had all to be overcome ; thus , not until 1028 did Cnut 's position in Scandinavia rival Swegen 's in 1013 .
4 Spectators said the Prince , playing for his Maple Leafs team at the Guards ' Polo Club at Smith 's Lawn in Windsor Great Park , seemed to wrench his back during the middle of the second chukka of the game .
5 The Prince aggravated an old back injury during a game of polo for his Maple Leafs team at the Guards ' Polo Club at Smith 's Lawn in Windsor Great Park yesterday .
6 Sarah 's father , Major Ronald Ferguson , is Charles 's polo manager , so she was frequently at Smith 's Lawn , the Guards ' Club in Windsor Great Park , where Charles was based , and inevitably she and Diana often sat chatting while the Prince played polo .
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