Example sentences of "['s] [noun] in [noun prp] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Honda in Ohio may be the closest , with its wider model range and higher output , though the company 's progress in Europe is slow .
2 But technical staff at Alfa Romeo 's headquarters in Britain were amazed that charges should be so high .
3 A spokesman at Shell 's headquarters in London was unable last night to give reasons for the decision to cut its stake in the block .
4 It is possible that for all its lofty consequences , Nietzsche 's willingness to expose himself to Meistersinger in the first place arose out of nothing loftier than social contacts : the coincidence that a sister of Wagner 's living in Leipzig was friendly with Professor Ritschl and his wife , with whom Nietzsche was on excellent terms at the time .
5 The President 's successors in Kabul are ready to work with the UN peace process , but it is hard to imagine the rebels agreeing to join in when victory is so close .
6 NOT so long ago Bill Bentley 's wine-bar in Bishopsgate was alive to the sound of mobile phones and chattering stockbrokers .
7 In one respect the Atkinian neighbour principle and Lord Wilberforce 's opinion in Anns are similar ; they both extend the boundaries of tortious liability in negligence to new areas , the former to product liability , the latter to a failure to inspect a defective building .
8 The occasion of Wulfhere 's intervention in Surrey is likely to have been the death of King Ecgberht , which appears to have been followed by an interregnum or at least a contested succession .
9 Mansell 's reaction in Spain was forthright .
10 How absurd to see the works of William Penn in flaming scarlet , and George Fox 's Journal in Bishop 's purple !
11 THE most fashionable new children 's shop in London is Cheeky Monkeys , recently opened in Kensington by Bridget Young and Georgia Hainault .
12 For Muslim parents , whether peasant or urban in background , their daughter 's education in Britain is fraught with conflict between the demands of the school system and the requirements of Islam .
13 TALKS to decide the fate of a Sainsbury 's development in Darlington are due to take place in London today .
14 Margaret Hunter 's appointment in Scotland is ongoing .
15 ‘ Maybe what upset Dustin was that he knew that , although he was the better actor , Steve 's performance in Papillon was superior , ’ commented Norman Jewison , who had directed McQueen in The Cincinnati Kid and The Thomas Crown Affair , but who never worked with Dustin .
16 Thesiger 's life in Kenya is spartan with few possessions , but many memories of life with Marsh Arabs and Bedu nomads , memories he 's delighted to share with Oxford .
17 Few will doubt that the Great White Shark 's win in Canada is good for the game , but the manner in which he won his first tournament in almost 28 months did little to dispel those nagging doubts that his temperament is susceptible to pressure .
18 The reason for IBM 's interest in RISC is obvious .
19 To the defenders of the French presence in Algeria , these brisk and unsentimental balance sheets of France 's interest in Algeria were intolerable .
20 We are pleased to announce that all five candidates in the Medau Teachers ' Examination in April were successful .
21 A second congress of the All-Russian Peasants ' Union in November was satisfied neither by the Manifesto nor by the announcement that redemption dues were to be phased out altogether , and peasant disturbances continued through 1906 and into 1907 .
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