Example sentences of "['s] [noun] in [noun prp] and [adj] " in BNC.

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1 After returning to Bombay early in 1858 he was appointed the East India Company 's agent in Zanzibar and British consul , the previous consul having died at his post thirteen months previously .
2 Meanwhile , thousands of people will tonight attending a firework display at the King 's Dock in Liverpool and other smaller displays at Sefton Park and Walton Hall Park ( all at 8pm ) .
3 Yet , these three countries not only have different systems of legal decision making , with Children 's Hearings in Scotland , children 's judges in France and juvenile courts in England , but the philosophies and policies which lie behind these institutions and the nature of the decisions they arrive at are also very different .
4 Suter 's dealings in Neill and other companies are the subject of a Department of Trade and Industry inquiry .
5 Much of Tolkien 's writing in Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales shows that urge , a strong and honourable one .
6 Alan Beatt , Weidenfeld 's representative in Scotland and northern England until his early retirement on health grounds , died on 13th December after a long illness .
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