Example sentences of "['s] [noun] and [vb past] her into " in BNC.

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1 And then , hustling her along without actually touching her , he got Lucy away from being the unwelcome centre of the foyer 's attention and ushered her into an office behind the reception desk .
2 Elisabeth put her hand under Rosa Jacobsen 's elbow and led her into the cottage .
3 I stood up , took Flavia 's hand and led her into a little room .
4 As he took his hostess 's arm and led her into the dining-room , he did not glance again at Madeleine .
5 After the caretaker had unlocked the big front door and disappeared down the drive , Harry took Madeleine 's arm and led her into the drawing-room .
6 According to the magazine , which has published only artist 's impressions of the pictures , it was Fergie 's discovery of the photos that ended the Yorks ' marriage and sent her into Bryan 's arms .
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