Example sentences of "['s] [noun] and [vb past] her [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The governor immediately raised his glass in Flavia Sherman 's direction and complimented her elaborately on her French ancestry and the " astonishing combination " of her beauty and her two fine sons .
2 Ruth thought her aunt would have sat up all night to prolong the time with them , but her uncle — who had tried bravely all day to behave as though nothing untoward was happening — put his arms around his wife 's shoulders and led her away to bed .
3 As he did so , the stick jerked between Angela 's legs and pitched her forward , head first .
4 But instead , the consultant at Middlesbrough General Hospital discontinued efforts to induce Mrs Busuttil 's labour and sent her home .
5 Apparently some villain , hot with his own juices , had bought Meg 's body and used her carnally before plunging a knife between her ribs .
6 The lifeboat was still standing by , and a large swell came around the casualty 's stern and rolled her heavily to starboard .
7 Of course , it ai n't my business who she is and what she 's doin' here , you probably found her in a gypsy caravan outside Spurgeon 's Tabernacle and brought her here while me back was turned .
8 His good spirits thus restored , Rickie seized his sister 's hand and dragged her excitedly towards the boat .
9 Jay remembered the sun in the garden , the paddling pool , her mother meeting her after school , face lighting up with love and joy as her little girl pelted out of school like a tornado , seized her mother 's hand and dragged her home down the street , read to her , played with her , woke her with a kiss , read her a bedtime story .
10 Adam chuckled and took Billie 's arm and led her straight up to him .
11 I took Susan 's arm and walked her away from the scene of the crime .
12 Caro linked her elbow through Clare 's arm and turned her homewards .
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