Example sentences of "['s] [noun] be [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Peel 's response was to construct a service with a severe code of discipline and a structure of supervisory ranks designed to ensure strict control of policing and police officers .
2 In due course , the government 's response was to pass a law and appoint an Alkali Inspector named Angus Smith .
3 When , in 1978 , after four years with the company , Al Clark presented himself in Branson 's office to announce that he was leaving for a job with better pay and more responsibility , Branson 's response was to pull a water pistol from his desk and start firing at him , grinning broadly all the while .
4 Richard Chauncy 's improvements were taken a step further by William Henry Chauncy , who caused the village of Edgcote with its eighteen families to be removed from his prospect sometime before 1788 .
5 The long north frieze shows a Gigantomachy , and on one Giant 's shield is cut a signature .
6 An important part of the arranger 's function was to create a band style ( hence its ‘ image ’ ) and a song atmosphere .
7 Simply to describe the agricultural labourer 's experience is to take a stance within a system of value which generally favours those who own the land over those work on it .
8 The focus-puller 's girlfriend is having a baby and he wanted to call headquarters in Caracas to see if there was any news but Vic said no .
9 Bucharest 's shops are supplying a population deprived for years of everything but the poorest-quality basics .
10 One of the stated goals of the Government 's review is to establish a framework which assists wealth creation — an objective which , it was said , would find no detractors among the scientific community .
11 I mean Paul 's proposal was to have a spreadsheet of hard data
12 Members of the Women 's Institute are holding a domino drive in Newbiggin village hall on Thursday February 27 at 7.30pm .
13 Although he did not know it at the time , Hess 's work was to initiate a revolution in geological and geophysical thinking , and ultimately it became the foundation of a major new theory about how continents and oceans are related , and what part volcanoes play in the evolution of the Earth .
14 Bellow supported Roth 's early work , and Roth 's work was to bear a resemblance to Bellow 's .
15 The general objective of Comte 's work was to establish a set of relations between the sciences .
16 Medirace 's business was researching a range of potential anti-cancer products including Contracan .
17 The Government 's job is to create a framework within which men and women of all ages can develop skills , gain qualifications and shape their own futures .
18 For example , his belief that the leader 's job was to set a policy and leave his subordinates to implement it — the belief that he had expressed at the War College in the 1920s ( see page 4 ) — got him into deep water in Algeria .
19 A squat Nuremberg bowl for the centrepiece and eight or ten specimen glasses of the same ware to be filled with orange carnations and silver grasses , each guest 's place was to have a boutonnière to match and each finger bowl a floating full-blown orange carnation plus a few drops of orange flower water .
20 Members of Aycliffe Young People 's Group are holding a Mother 's Day dinner at St Francis church on Saturday , March 28 , at 7.30pm .
21 In the same periodical , Reverdy , who admitted that much contemporary literature at this time reflected an aesthetic first developed in Cubist painting , added : ‘ the poet 's aim is to create a work which lives independently from him , from his private life , which exists in a special realm . ’
22 Cureton 's aim is to construct a theory which will account for , and model our rhythmic response to , the linguistic surface of the text .
23 If the bidder 's aim is to separate a target into its component parts , it has failed if the target does this itself .
24 Our Prime Minister of that time , Mr Lloyd George , had called for another great conference to be held in Italy in the spring of 1922 , and initially his lordship 's aim was to organize a gathering at Darlington Hall with a view to ensuring a satisfactory outcome to this event .
25 Everybody 's shop was making a lot of money and we just could n't bear the thought of us all getting like the rest of the industry .
26 The writer 's kitten is spending a lot of time , and not a little of his owner 's patience , in developing a set of skills specifically to enable him to find and to cope with living prey .
27 Always an important and influential patron of the arts , the Royal Family has recognised that a necessary part of any civilised person 's education is to acquire a knowledge and appreciation of painting .
28 Common 's achievement was to demonstrate a reaping machine that foreshadowed McCormick 's , employing a reciprocating action of the knives .
29 Discussing the seeding of players in the men 's singles at Wimbledon one year , peter West remarked of one of the hopefuls , ‘ Jimmy Connors 's wife is expecting a baby and there was some doubt about his entry . ’
30 Some billeting arrangements were equally resented by both sides — as when Roman Catholic children from inner-city Liverpool were sent to staunchly Protestant North Wales , and some were the fault of nobody — as when in Cambridge a Greek head waiter 's wife was given a bed inferior to that provided for the wife of an under-waiter .
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