Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [vb -s] be [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 The result means that Lillywhite 's advantage has been cut to 20 seconds by Simensen , now in second place , with today 's 86-mile stage from Liverpool to Salford and tomorrow 's city-centre circuit race at Manchester remaining .
2 Langbaurgh 's budget has been limited to £16.5m which will mean a reduction in poll tax bills of £18 a head .
3 The way Easterbrook 's hypothesis has been applied to memory research is by making a distinction between central and peripheral information associated with the arousing item .
4 Przewalski 's Horse has been reintroduced to its native plains near the Mongolian capital of Ulan Bator , after 50 years absence …
5 The following day 's card has been switched to Newcastle .
6 During the current financial year , the associated company issued shares to a third party for cash as a result of which the parent company 's stake has been diluted to 15% .
7 Hong Kong 's dollar has been yoked to America 's at the rate of 7.8 to 1 since 1983 .
8 Freud 's work has been said to be unusable for this reason — that is , that it , too , was based on a biased sample .
9 Once a developer 's attention has been drawn to a site , even though the planning approval may have been rejected , it may be possible to resolve the objections raised by the local planning authority .
10 The Refectory in Queen 's Road has been sold to Brown 's of Oxford .
11 Jock Hallett 's friend has been posted to Portsmouth .
12 As a starting-point the project 's name has been changed to ‘ Leisure Choice ’ in the hope that it says a little more about the subject we are looking at .
13 Traditionally , the people 's singing has been delegated to a choir which is generally paid a nominal fee .
14 But TODAY can reveal the contract for signals controlling the track to London 's Docklands has been given to a firm called Alcatel , which has manufacturing bases in Germany and Canada .
15 The antigen associated with the perinuclear staining pattern ( p-ANCA ) in Wegener 's granulomatosis has been shown to be myeloperoxidase , while the antigen associated with the cytoplasmic staining pattern ( p-ANCA ) in Wegener 's granulomatosis has been shown to be myeloperoxidase , while the antigen associated with the cytoplasmic staining pattern ( c-ANCA ) is a serine proteinase .
16 The antigen associated with the perinuclear staining pattern ( p-ANCA ) in Wegener 's granulomatosis has been shown to be myeloperoxidase , while the antigen associated with the cytoplasmic staining pattern ( p-ANCA ) in Wegener 's granulomatosis has been shown to be myeloperoxidase , while the antigen associated with the cytoplasmic staining pattern ( c-ANCA ) is a serine proteinase .
17 A Nottinghamshire miner 's daughter remembers being taken to the fair by a ninety-year-old great-grandfather , a very big man , bony man .
18 A Coalport collector 's plate has been presented to a historic Air Force squadron to mark the 50th anniversary of one of the most daring air raids of all time .
19 The Art Newspaper 's sources in Russia have , however , confirmed that Ivan 's treasure has been found to the same extent as the Loch Ness monster .
20 The tenure of a person 's housing has been shown to be a consequence of marital breakdown in many cases .
21 A 17,000km 2 logging concession in Guyana 's rainforest has been granted to a firm co-owned by a Malaysian company responsible for many human-rights and environmental abuses on its own home ground , in Sarawak .
22 Now the Dutchman 's goal has been reduced to two clear rounds in this evening 's Modern Alarms Cup and victory in the Grand Prix .
23 If no safe and adequate access or no adequate unloading facilities there exist then transit shall be deemed to end at the expiry of one clear day after notice in writing ( or by telephone if so previously agreed in writing ) of the arrival of the Consignment at the Carrier 's premises has been sent to the consignee ; and
24 In Ivory Coast the transfer of ownership has been essentially from the foreign private investor to the local private investor : government remains the owner of 50 per cent of corporate capital ( as it has been since the 1960s ) and the foreign investors ' share has been reduced to 30 per cent , with the local private sector taking the remainder .
25 Of all the agencies , only the Manpower Services Commission has had the control of the purse strings that allows positive steering ; with the exception of educational support and in-service training grants administered by the DES , the other agencies ' role has been confined to offering advice and expertise .
26 Since Bains an increasing amount of chief officers ' time has been devoted to liaison with other departmental heads to formulate corporate strategies .
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