Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [coord] [noun sg] [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 But it is difficult to see how the section 5 restitutionary remedy could be available against anyone other than the other party to the transaction in question or the party to whom , under the transaction in question , the investor 's money or property had been paid or transferred .
2 But , you were saying erm your dad 's mum and dad had been
3 The expert 's willingness and ability to co-operate is vital to the success of the ES .
4 Where , in Persuasion , the younger Musgroves ' search for novelty gets them into trouble , other new ventures meet with approval , like Emma 's introduction into Hartfield of a large modern circular table , as in Fig. 7b , in place of the smaller portable Pembroke ( Fig. 41a ) on to which her father 's tea and supper have been crowded for the previous forty years .
5 The great endeavour which Peter Scott and a small group of inspired people began in 1961 may be said to have only just started to have the worldwide impact which will help mankind to learn once again to develop in full harmony with the natural world , but it is already indelibly clear that Peter 's influence and determination has been crucial in creating a force that will not be denied its place of importance on a planet which , in the foreseeable future , may be required to support a human population of double its present size .
6 Since then the road has born all the traffic ; George 's Lane and Quay have been allowed to overgrow and become a peaceful and unspoilt backwater , home of the curlew and heron .
7 And the accounts of Tatham 's kidnapping and death had been very worthwhile reading .
8 Swod 's name and address had been given to Blanche by a librarian in the Polish Centre in Hammersmith — the one to which Mills had bequeathed a legacy .
9 In the first system the rotation of the mouse 's wheels or ball bearing are transferred to rollers .
10 Over the last three decades digital or numerical images of the Earth 's surface and atmosphere have been obtained from imaging instruments carried by satellites .
11 I am afraid Nader 's wife and child have been kidnapped in England . ’
12 The most serious forms of illness are those where the patient 's ruwai or smell has been taken by one of these beings .
13 God 's love and desire to forgive are primary .
14 Since the early 1980s the army 's strength and budget have been cut in half .
15 Afterwards , when Sara 's health and happiness had been toasted , there was music and dancing for the whole household .
16 The case aroused public disquiet as demonstrating that Evans 's conviction and execution had been miscarriages of justice ; there were two inquiries , and after the second Evans was granted a posthumous free pardon .
17 The point is that years of hard work and steady application , the rocks on which Zurich 's prosperity and influence have been built , have not spoiled the city or its people .
18 Yesterday 's jeans and shirt had been tossed on to the rumpled heap made by his sleeping-bag and two dented pillows .
19 Now the track has been ripped up , the station master 's house and station have been converted into homes , and the architecturally-unique waiting-room ( or workman 's shelter ) seems to have fallen down .
20 Anne 's mother and father had been delighted to see her , plying her with tea and cake and endless conversation in the delightful setting of their Oxfordshire home .
21 Mrs McMullen 's face and neck had been covered in a thick layer of mud and Dr Wayte suggested that an attacker had sat astride her , possibly grabbing soil and pushing it along the body and into her mouth .
22 None of the patients ' spouses or carer had been shown or told how to give the drops .
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