Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [coord] [verb] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 This morning the 780 employees of Digital in Galway will wake up with a hangover after a night 's mourning and stare into an uncertain future , wishing that some divine intervention could be called upon to extract them from their present straits .
2 Then he was back , sliding his arm nonchalantly round Tug 's shoulders and smiling into the evening light .
3 Once they start to hatch the emerging fry will be picked up in the parent 's mouth and deposited into a pre-dug pit , or under the edge of a rock .
4 She stared down at the frothing white surf that slid past the ship 's side and fell into a reverie in which imaginings of her future life became mixed with memories of past days at Ballingolin .
5 Donna had managed to disguise the worst of the bruising on her top lip beneath some foundation cream and a little rouge had given at least some artificial colour to her cheeks , but as she pulled down the sun-visor on the driver 's side and peered into the mirror she realized she looked as tired as she felt .
6 The constable apparently left the chamber at that , for half a minute later a cloaked figure came quickly out of the Garden Tower 's entrance and disappeared into the darkness .
7 Ferguson thumped a 20-yard shot , which hit Fokine , and then spun high over Gouteev 's body and dropped into the net .
8 They found Faltour 's Lane and turned into the dirty refuse-filled alleyway , the daylight almost blocked out by the overhanging gables of the houses which reared up on either side .
9 It was a prosperous and fashionable area in CD 's days but deteriorated into a slum in the late nineteenth century .
10 Forsaken , deserted , the hand came up to Pertwee 's brow and pushed into the greasy black waves .
11 If the exporter fails to comply with the tender 's conditions and/or enter into the contract , the bank is liable to pay any costs ( limited to the bond 's value ) incurred by the importer in re-awarding the contract .
12 The mouse antibody is matched and cloned with the patient 's antibody and reintroduced into the patient , and is now able to recognise and destroy the cancer cells .
13 ‘ Is that also the reason you will assume Fergus 's mantle and go into the Far Future to bind the Apocalypse and turn back the Four Horsemen ? ’
14 Yanto picked up the old man 's mug and walked into the cool bar .
15 ‘ I think we 've concluded our business , ’ she told him crisply as she snatched open the driver 's door and climbed into the sun-warmed interior .
16 The man in the trenchcoat opened the driver 's door and dropped into the cab .
17 He is in fact participating by following the physiotherapist 's instructions and relaxing into the required movements .
18 They turned towards Ianthe 's gate and went into the house .
19 The ‘ Lord Mayor ’ and his ‘ Lady ’ appear at the door of the Forrester 's Arms and climb into the trap which is waiting at the door .
20 An hour after noon he wandered out of the room he shared with Bessie 's children and went into the kitchen , where he splashed water on his face .
21 Xanthe ambled in in a tousled yawning state and yesterday 's clothes and flopped into the empty chair beside Filmer .
22 I do n't know if he left the King 's Troop and went into the First er Regiment Royal Artillery , but erm I went to Germany and of course we just lost contact .
23 he went to Jekyll 's house and got into the study .
24 He imagined this woman draped on Humphrey Bogart 's arm and walking into a seedy bar .
25 Olive Fitzpatrick suffers with Alzheimer 's disease and went into a nursing home so her 72year-old husband could make the ill-fated trip to America with their son Liam .
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