Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [noun pl] [verb] on [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Clearly Elena 's advancement into the inner sanctum of the Romanian Communist party 's decision-making bodies depended on her husband 's prestige and influence .
2 I had been out for many hours that day and had covered many miles of jungle with unflagging caution , but without one moment , s unease , and then , on cresting the ridge , and coming in sight of the rocks , I knew they held danger for me , and this knowledge was confirmed a few minutes later by the kakar 's warning call to the jungle folk , and by my finding the man-eater 's pug marks superimposed on my footprints .
3 After the awards were announced , The Saturday Review commented that it gave ‘ the impression of an overgrown hotel at a watering place , with one of Wren 's city spires perched on its north-west angle next the parade , to hold the dinner-bell ’ .
4 Martina 's book lies closed on my bedside table : I have n't got into it yet , and I still do n't know what pop-holes are .
5 Elaine 's houseproud ways got on his nerves but he would rather them than this dirty cat 's way of living .
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