Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [prep] [v-ing] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The new movement , which was characterized as a non-party coalition , was an attempt to inject new life into her government 's programmes by reaching beyond the ruling LDP and its traditional patterns of patronage .
2 As to GATT , a trade war between America and Europe would be bad for people 's stand of living in the long run but it would n't have much direct effect on Courtaulds .
3 Midland 's expertise in looking after the financial side of your family 's welfare .
4 Indeed , they were no doubt very glad to have the reassurance of each other 's presence for travelling into an unknown future .
5 It was Lucy 's hope of getting into the outer office unchallenged .
6 It could aim to copy the Pentagon 's example , devoting a portion of the MOD 's budget to looking after a mothballed version of any production line judged a strategic asset .
7 It derives from the author 's experience of working for the Agricultural Training Board in an area in the North of Scotland where family and part-time farmers predominate but has been put on a wider footing by detailed investigations of attitudes and needs in eleven counties in England , Wales and Scotland , and by less detailed investigations during visits to Norway , the Federal Republic of Germany and France .
8 Among those whom the hon. Gentleman has maligned is someone who has a decade 's experience of working in the NHS .
9 Souter 's relative anonymity also meant that his nomination received a muted reaction from most pressure groups — particularly those in favour of and opposed to abortion — most of whose spokespeople suggested that they would await a fuller disclosure of the judge 's views before commenting upon the suitability of his appointment .
10 This understanding is relative to the views of David Bohm , which transcend both Burr 's and Sheldrake 's views by focusing on the process at cosmic level , although the work of Burr and Sheldrake can be comfortably accommodated within Bohm 's grand structure and become essential elements in his design .
11 The lighting of one hundred beacons , from Jersey to the Shetland Isles , the street parties and special events and the climactic procession by the Queen along a processional route lined by one million people waving Union Jacks under a murky grey sky — all of this implied an attempt to reclaim something permanent and enduring a sense of national pride — which had been systematically eroded by Britain 's loss of standing as a world power , and by some dark and mysterious incoming tide which carried with it the flotsam of unemployment , inflation , rising crime and social decay .
12 Both Weston and Olson , for instance , found that teachers involved in the Schools Council Integrated Science Project ( SCISP ) , breached the project 's guidelines by teaching from the board and encouraging pupils to revise — and that these teachers referred to the presence of examinations as the reason for their continuing use of these transmission-like styles of teaching .
13 Our Lord 's intention in coming into the world was to save men and women , to seek out and to save sinners .
14 Less than six on the Richter scale , he found out later , only a tremor , really , but it was enough to change Creed 's mind about returning to the office .
15 Aerospace officials , however , are hoping to change the government 's mind by pointing to the new activist policies of and by citing evidence that the US government is spending considerably more than the three per cent of turnover accepted as a limit under a trade agreement signed with the European Commission last July .
16 Insecurity must have something to do with it an insecurity about the musical self-sufficiency of absolute melody , so foreign to our modern western way of musical thinking , compounded by the performer 's fear of standing before an audience with no instrument and no accompaniment to hide behind or use as a prop …
17 However , the chairwoman of the Scottish Labour Party , Johann Lamont , ruled out support for a Scottish parliamentary council and was heckled when criticising the SNP 's action in voting with the Government last week .
18 In Chapter 3 we discussed briefly employee theft , and , in particular , Ditton 's study of fiddling at a factory-production bakery .
19 The Israeli authorities responded to Toledano 's abduction by sealing off the Gaza Strip and West Bank before conducting a widespread search throughout the territories .
20 The warning came from former Liverpool defender Glenn Hysen , who knows Limpar 's strengths after playing alongside the enigmatic winger many times for Sweden .
21 The announcement was again dogged by the spectre of the SNP 's deal in voting with the Government on the Maastricht Bill two weeks ago , with its leaders being asked why voters should have confidence in a party which voted with an administration which strongly advocated the continued Union .
22 The middle paragraph , which summarizes Sadat 's condition on arriving at the hospital and the doctors ' report , is expanded into three pages in the Arabic version .
23 They rub salt into God 's wounds by romanticizing about the past .
24 Richard at once countered Philip 's thrust by moving into the Loire valley himself .
25 But although God does have the role in Berkeley 's philosophy of accounting for the continued perceivability of real objects apart from our actual perception of them , it is not quite in the way we have just described .
26 LANCASHIRE were facing an uphill battle as underdogs Leicestershire set their sights on a Lord 's return after putting in an excellent morning 's work at Grace Road .
27 The home side set their sights on a Lord 's return after putting in an excellent morning 's work .
28 Their independence reduced the executive 's capacity for interfering in the legal process .
29 Already Teresa Gorman MP has supported TODAY 's campaign by calling for an automatic life sentence for rape .
30 When she left West Heath , Diana followed in sister Sarah 's footsteps by enrolling at the Institut Alpin Videmanette , an expensive finishing school near Gstaad in Switzerland , where Diana took classes in domestic science , dressmaking and cookery .
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