Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [prep] [adj] [noun] on " in BNC.

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1 While the Government 's plans to double spending on roads were at odds with its proclaimed conversion to green issues , Labour 's new policies recognised the need to drastically cut congestion and pollution from vehicle emissions .
2 Concern over his 50-year-old wife 's health were clearly on Mr Major 's mind during crucial talks on Bosnia with President George Bush last night .
3 The Ukrainian Supreme Soviet discussed Prime Minister Vitold Fokin 's programme for economic reform on Oct. 24 , and on Oct. 25 approved it by 284 to 39 votes after a heated debate , during which there were calls for Fokin 's resignation .
4 He was speaking at a press conference in Dublin following the decision by the Irish Republic 's Director of Public Prosecutions on Thursday not to bring a case under the 1976 Criminal Law Jurisdiction Act , allowing prosecutions in the Republic for offences allegedly committed in Britain .
5 The Maxwell pensions scandal had put the organisers of this year 's clash with neighbouring Ipsden on a sticky wicket … but after much debate the decision was to play on .
6 Alternately ironic and sad , provocative and withdrawn , Mubarak shares Genet 's gift for insightful reflection on the revolution and the socio-political forces at work within it and beyond .
7 The presence of this pagan tale in a cathedral is strikingly reminiscent of Sigurd 's appearance in Christian contexts on sculptures in northern England , and the possible positioning of the frieze near Cnut 's tomb may imply that he was inviting comparison of his own exploits with those of the Volsungs .
8 And here I think Locke 's distinction between civil society on the one hand and the state on the other is crucial and I mentioned this earlier and I 'm now coming back to it .
9 It has taken three years to get Tokyo 's approval for new lessons on Japan 's traditional arts .
10 Expenditure on production assets represents the Group 's share of total expenditure on the exploration , appraisal and development of oil and gas fields which are currently in commercial production .
11 It took almost twenty years to launch a new attempt to embody in formal texts some of humanity 's yearnings for effective restrictions on war .
12 Stan Mellor withdrew his smart novice chaser King 's Curate from valuable races on two days of the Cheltenham Festival last month , and also from another good event at Liverpool .
13 So , in 1923 , he printed Yeats 's ‘ Biographical Fragment ’ giving the poet 's dreams with learned notes on tree worship , dying gods , and falling stars ( which we may be tempted to relate to ‘ The Hollow Men ’ ) .
14 And do n't miss our Wine Editor Jane MacQuitty 's selection of seasonal wines on page 146 — the real spirit of Christmas starts here …
15 They need to be compared to the evidence of such documents such as the Institute of Race Relations ‘ Policing against Black People ’ with its accounts of police harassment , assault and deaths in custody , and the Anti-Fascist journal Searchlight 's files on racial assaults on black people by the civilian population .
16 Mervyn Pinfield 's role as Associate Producer on Doctor Who was agreed to be mostly in an advisory capacity .
17 Ayub , currently shooting in Canada , will jet off to India to finish a love story about a Rajastani prince , while Buki is stuck in sun-soaked Spain for the BBC 's tale of British life on the Costa del Sol .
18 The three now make a valuable contribution to the IWM 's collection of naval aeroplanes on display at Duxford .
19 In work using cross-section data for England and Wales , Pyle ( 1987 , 1989 ) argues that the deterrence effect of the Conservative 's policy of increased expenditure on the police and tougher sentences for convicted criminals has been swamped by the massive increases in unemployment during their period of government .
20 At the age of ten , after failing his 11-plus , he refused his father 's offer of private school on the grounds that it was ‘ unfair and unegalitarian ’ .
21 Kohl 's call for immediate negotiations on economic and monetary union
22 To take the second element first , it does seem to be true that there is not much mention in Beccaria 's book of reformative effects on the individual offender ; he is far more concerned with frightening off potential offenders .
23 After his frenzied performance on the rostrum for the Impressionist sale , Simon de Pury returned for the Sotheby 's sale of Contemporary Art on Thursday 3 December .
24 The new political crisis makes it less likely that Italy will meet the EC 's requirements for economic convergence on time .
25 In some societies coinage was minted solely in accordance with the government 's instructions , in order to meet the state 's requirements for public expenditure on war , army and civil service pay , food , or public buildings .
26 MEMBERS of Montgomeryshire District Council 's environmental health committee will meet in private tomorrow to consider an officer 's report on alleged trespass on council land adjacent to River Cain , Llanfyllin .
27 The collapse of the scheme served to emphasise yet again the dependence of the District 's initiatives in rural areas on adequate financial support from philanthropic bodies and LEAs .
28 Given the Labour Party 's lack of political action on the Spanish issue it is hardly surprising that the Labour Spain Committee renewed its efforts to call for a national conference , which it organized in October 1938 .
29 The contribution librarians could make to student development has been underestimated , and includes not only the librarian 's contribution to taught courses on library research methodology , leading to greater confidence and autonomy , but also the day-today interaction with students and librarians at reader 's advisory and reference desks .
30 Fortunately for the defenders of the American alliance the Chinese rejected proposals for a cease-fire , thus making it easier for the British government to support the UN 's condemnation of Chinese aggression on 1 February 1951 .
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