Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 The family 's loss of control over the youth is crucial to his development in sport , for , if there was a more balanced social management within the West Indian community , it is likely that the vibrance and energy expended in sport could be directed into more orthodox areas .
2 To begin with the government wants private operators to cast a spider 's web of cable-TV over the country , It is n't obvious that this is the best way to go about it .
3 If anything is demonstrated by the USSR 's record on energy over the past decade it is that the resources , the equipment , manpower and the money do exist broadly to achieve whatever the mighty planning and executive mechanism dictates .
4 Some 75 per cent of Perkins ' UK production is shipped overseas , and the company has picked up four Queen 's Awards for export over the past few years .
5 And third , for every new piece of legislation under the new Social Chapter , there 'll be a queue of continental employers and governments lodging cases in Europe 's Court of Justice over the U K's anti-competitive behaviour .
6 The University 's strategy of expansion over the past few years has been aimed to take full advantage of the UFC 's new policy of rewarding those universities that have demonstrated their willingness and ability to expand by retrospectively awarding full grant for an increased number of so-called fully funded students .
7 However , he confirmed that Argentina 's claim to sovereignty over the Falklands , set to one side during the negotiations , would continue to be pursued in international forums .
8 Throughout the remainder of the 1530s , royal propagandists were systematically employed to justify and publicize Henry 's claim to supremacy over the English church .
9 It concerned Canterbury 's claim to primacy over the whole of the British Isles .
10 The question which remains to be solved is : were these phrases added to existing documents in 1070–72 to support Lanfranc 's claim to primacy over the whole area of the British Isles , or were they added as a last resort in 1120 , when the claim which Lanfranc , Anselm and Archbishop Ralph had all supported was facing final and irrevocable defeat ?
11 The GSLP , which was traditionally strongly opposed to Spain 's claim of sovereignty over the territory , had campaigned on a platform calling for greater autonomy from the United Kingdom , particularly in the economic sphere .
12 The cloud seems to spill from the City 's edge like water over a fall .
13 Equally clear is the peasantry 's sense of injustice over the Emancipation settlement , their resentment against the landowning nobility , and their yearning to see all noble land made over to them .
14 Among the various characteristics of these technologies which Blauner identifies we highlight three here : the changing skill requirements , the worker 's sense of control over the work process , and changes in the meaningfulness of work — these last two characteristics being , to a very large extent , a product of the social relationships which the worker has with management and the end-user of the product being made .
15 I wish he would keep his eyes off me , Laura thought grimly , feeling certain that she must have experienced almost a lifetime 's amount of tension over the past few days .
16 Faye 's moments of preoccupation over the last two days , the way she had belittled her headache last night , and her obvious struggles to overcome her concern by talking about other things …
17 First , Mr Delors — who had earlier sent a furious letter to Mr Major , complaining of Britain 's lack of faith over the TV pact — had kept him waiting for over an hour at Heathrow while his flight from Brussels was delayed by fog .
18 The explosive power of volcanos is proof if ever it was needed , of man 's lack of control over the environment .
19 His recital of the history of the archbishops ' exercise of authority over the whole of Britain over the centuries is punctuated by quotations from Gregory , proclaiming the claims of antiquity as a model for future conduct .
20 In many ways the Conservatives ' descent towards violence over the Ulster question , and Bonar Law 's ‘ new style ’ .
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