Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [be] [vb pp] on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ( She wonders , in parenthesis , how much of the nation 's income is spent on cosmetics , and whether the statistics will be provided in the New Year issue of Social Trends . )
2 Outside the North Sea and Indonesia , the Company 's activities are focussed on ventures that offer potential for discoveries that will have a material impact on the Group 's reserves .
3 Traditionally , the firm 's accounts were based on ledger cards running on a mechanical accounting machine which worked flat out from morning until night The sheer volume of work restricted the capacity to process data efficiently .
4 Stalin 's humility was put on record in the official history of the Soviet Communist Party — at his own suggestion .
5 The court 's decision was based on facts .
6 The Constituent Assembly 's decision was based on recommendations emanating from a political pact signed by Gaviria with leaders of his Ruling Liberal Party ( PL ) and the two parties jointly outnumbering the PL in the Assembly , namely the M-19 Democratic Alliance ( a left-wing coalition led by the former guerrilla group 19 April Movement ( M-19 ) ) and the conservative Movement of National Salvation ( MSN ) .
7 The committee 's decision was endorsed on Oct. 2 when the full Senate voted by 90 to nine to confirm Souter 's appointment .
8 On 30 June Brent London Borough Council 's solicitors were put on notice that M. was complaining that he had not been served personally by them with a copy of the formal order and arranged that he be so served on 3 July .
9 Given that a large part of FWWG 's assessment was based on interviews with engineers on the Monitored Professional Development Scheme [ MPDS ] , the training scheme has clearly received ‘ customer ’ approval .
10 Reforms were widely seen as essential if the current deadlock in trade negotiations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) were to be broken [ see p. 38411 ] , but the Commission 's proposals were criticized on July 15-16 by EC agriculture ministers , notably by the Netherlands and the United Kingdom on the grounds that they favoured inefficient smaller farmers .
11 Peter 's hair is cropped on top and at the sides , but cascades over his floppy jumper at the back .
12 What do you people mean by quoting this proverb about the land of Israel : ‘ The fathers eat sour grapes , and the children 's teeth are set on edge ’ ?
13 The visiting of the iniquity of their fathers on to succeeding generations in the Third Commandment , the banning of ‘ he that hath a flat nose ’ , and the writing ‘ the fathers have eaten a sour grape and the children 's teeth are set on edge ’ are suggestive of the stigmata of congenital syphilis .
14 Tudhoe Workingmen 's Club was burgled on Saturday night when thieves smashed a window and took £600 cash from a gaming machine .
15 Tudhoe Working Men 's Club was burgled on Saturday night when thieves smashed a window and took £600 cash from a gaming machine .
16 Kohlberg 's research is based on questionnaires which demand a response to hypothetical and imaginary situations in which concrete detail is necessarily omitted .
17 President 's rule was imposed on Manipur on Jan. 7 .
18 Women 's sessions are held on Wednesdays from 2pm–5pm and women workers are available .
19 The Court 's reasoning was based on personality , capacity , and functionalism , not the treaty law principle of res inter alios acta .
20 The declaration calling for talks on Estonia 's independence was endorsed on Feb. 22 by the Estonian Supreme Soviet , which on Feb. 23 elected its Presidium President , Arnold Rüütel , to head a commission to conduct these talks .
21 Nick 's gaze was fixed on Mr Evans 's mouth .
22 Moreover , part of a nation 's wealth is spent on investment goods , and not on consumption goods ; these are therefore also included in the calculation .
23 John Metcalf 's Tornrak was premiered on May 19 .
24 As the article explains , Mr Bailey 's inquiry was made on behalf of the Department of Transport which shares his services with the authority .
25 Speculation was sparked off because Mr Summerchild 's body was discovered on Ministry of Defence property — a yard in Spring Gardens , at the back of the Admiralty .
26 Lesley 's body was found on moorland near Halifax , West Yorks .
27 * The Shah 's picture was plastered on walls and windows .
28 Meanwhile , the world 's attention was focused on Saudi Arabia .
29 The plane 's wing was damaged on impact and Mr Treweek saw the tail break off as he swam ashore but the pilot managed to land the plane safely on the beach .
30 In the first three months of 1987 a number of the company 's cheques were dishonoured on presentation .
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