Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [conj] [vb -s] [that] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The vane is the oast 's rudder and ensures that the boarded surface always faces the wind , thus preserving the opportunity for moist air to escape ( Plate 14 ) .
2 Travel industry sources say a BA technical team has assessed the airport 's capacity and believes that the present terminal building would need to be extended .
3 She does not dispute society 's conventions but states that a woman of spirit and goodness , like Eliza , need not submit to the pressures of society where those pressures are unreasonable .
4 The SRA has put several thousands of pounds into this year 's event and believes that the failure to acquire a sponsor is related to an adverse market .
5 The SRA has put several thousands of pounds into this year 's event and believes that the failure to acquire a sponsor is related to an adverse market .
6 Before the cholera outbreak in Two Years Ago ( 1857 ) , where he makes a second appearance , he alone among the landowners takes the doctor 's advice and sees that the pig keeps its distance from the cottage , and that the cottages themselves are thoroughly scoured .
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