Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [conj] [pron] [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 She was born in Aberdeen and was a student at the city 's university where she gained her MA in 1969 .
2 No need for secrets , so Mrs Files telephoned her daughter straight away , then told Frank Grimwood who came by with four brace of partridge from yesterday 's let shoot ; who stopped Alec on the tractor with a load of silage behind ; who met Tom in the grainstore ; who found Mary in the estate office when he went in to fill out his time sheet ; who confided in the postman when he came with the afternoon mail ; who amazed Mrs May in Forester 's Cottage when he delivered her Freeman 's Catalogue and a postcard from her son holidaying in Pouket ; who stunned her husband when he came in from the saw mill .
3 Like all the maidens , in all the stories , half seduced and half petrified , she consented to Fenna 's plans and he swept her high on his great wings and bore her away over the roofs of London and higher and higher cavorting and caracolling through the star-spun night .
4 What was really In Judy Jackson 's mind when she lost her temper ?
5 INSURANCE was the furthest thing from Pat Whyte 's mind as she edged her way down an Austrian ski slope .
6 She glanced at the clock and leapt to her feet , her colour deepening at the look in Penry 's eyes as she pulled her jersey over her head .
7 Anthony 's voice opened Julia 's eyes and she saw her sister-in-law standing in the doorway wearing a most remarkable dress .
8 Tears rose in Caroline 's eyes and she turned her head blindly to the window .
9 On 6 March 1991 her appeal against the tribunal 's findings was dismissed by three High Court judges sitting as Visitors to Lincoln 's Inn but they altered her sentence to one of five years ' suspension .
10 she left that and she 's gone to do her midwifery and now when she gets the other day she was looking at old pay slips God , she must have been an idiot to give up a sister 's post cos she said her wages have dropped terrible to do this course !
11 Camille put her tongue out at her friend 's back as she ushered her guest downstairs .
12 It can be a woman 's pride because it reflects her purity and sensitiveness .
13 But she could imagine his tolerant lawyer 's smile as he demolished her fears and speculations .
14 In Verbivore Decibel makes an oblique reference to Ingarden 's theory when she describes her own problematic existence :
15 Sybil flinched at the aggression in Eddie 's manner but she held her ground .
16 It was a glittering prospect and gave him the courage to brush his hand against Eloise 's breast as he kissed her goodbye .
17 The parrot crawled , more an animal than a bird , out of her cage and , helped along by her powerful beak , climbed the various terraces of Aunt Tossie 's bed until she reached her pillow where she crept along by shoulder to neck .
18 Mam and Da wanted to know everything about Rosie 's life since they saw her last — where had she been , what had she done — but she only shook her head .
19 Now , unless she could rescue herself , she had not even a place on the outside of Mrs Browning 's life and what troubled her most was that she cared .
20 Ahead of her , Belinda heard the front door open , then Faye 's voice as she greeted her brother .
21 If a woman holds a man 's hand as he lights her cigarette and strokes him behind the knees with her foot , is it a secret sign ?
22 The woman flicked her hand and knocked one of the long plaits from Millie 's shoulder as she continued her tirade : ‘ I 've told you , have n't I ?
23 He began to be convinced that this might be Gina 's problem until he monitored her nastiness .
24 Pictures of Lily showing that bit of bloodied rag , of Lily 's face as she launched her attack on Rose , came into her mind .
25 But the look on Vanessa Delaney 's face as she watched her son edge his way through the tables was tinged with something that had no place in such a mundane event .
26 Rachel had n't taken a lot of notice of the young SHO — she had been more interested in her own circle of friends at the time — but he had been a frequent visitor at the Stevenses ' home and she knew her parents had liked him and had been pleased at the prospect of him becoming their son-in-law .
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