Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [conj] [art] [noun] be " in BNC.

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1 C.I . 's response after the restart was again positive with scrum-half Gareth Hall forcing his way through a ruck of players to apply the touchdown and with wind assistance fullback McDougall converted causing obvious problems for the home side now trailing 13–3 .
2 The law 's response if the matter were tested would doubtless be that , first , it must be satisfactorily established by the doctor responsible that the patient was in fact incompetent .
3 Granada 's defence that the words were not intended to refer to the plaintiff and would not have been so regarded by reasonable viewers was rejected by the jury , after hearing that the officer had received " unpleasant and damaging " comments afterwards .
4 Americans were exasperated that they should be paying for Europe 's defence when the Europeans were not doing their utmost to help themselves .
5 Pound the garlic and mash it with the cod 's roe until the paste is quite smooth before gradually adding 3 tablespoons of the oil .
6 Edward Pearce 's Sketch When the House is ready to burst into song
7 Aware , as she most certainly was , that she could not be pleased to see him — grief , if past experience was anything to go by , they 'd no doubt be going for each other 's throats before the meal was half over — Leith returned to the kitchen and prepared some salad .
8 It is the defendant 's case that the plaintiff was at all times , pushing to proceed as a matter of urgency on the deal .
9 Do these figures prove the government 's case that the LDDC is good value for money ?
10 The three appeal judges considered this issue at length and , again , all affirmed Justice Morling 's decision that the advertisement was rightfully to be considered as being published for the commercial gain of the tobacco industry .
11 The company will also be estopped if the transferee has relied on a false statement in his transferor 's certificate that the transferor was the registered holder of the shares on the date stated in the certificate .
12 Around people are employed full-time at the organisation 's headquarters and the staff is complemented by volunteers , often from other countries .
13 If , however , it were marketed as a child 's toy or the blade were such that when used to peel potatoes it disintegrated into splinters , then it would not be as safe as people generally were entitled to expect .
14 The hearse took her to St Paul 's churchyard where the service was to be held .
15 And this blew away Mr Lamont 's excuse that the Germans were to blame for the pound crashing .
16 The millimetres , eighteen , were in the width of Hunt 's McLaren and the facts were not disputed by team-boss Teddy Mayer .
17 But apart from the occasional buyer , Modigliani 's paintings remained stacked in a corner in Zborowski 's apartment and the price was depressingly low .
18 Though infection may be acquired by ingestion of faecal larvae , the important route , as in Oslerus infection , is thought to be by transfer of L1 in the bitch 's saliva when the pup is licked .
19 The Renault lorry 's trailer became wedged under the bridge 's archway and a crane was brought to the scene to pull the vehicle free .
20 I am also grateful for the Secretary of State 's confirmation that the order was won on merit and is a testament to the ability and dedication of the management and work force at Yarrow Shipbuilders .
21 This accommodated Walesa 's demands that the constitution be decided by referendum ; the consequences of a negative vote were not spelled out .
22 Do n't mention the war , ’ was SGI 's reply when the subject was broached .
23 It was accepted without question , even by the Copts , that Zoser had been the Zikr 's killer and the Moslems were pleased that the matter had ended in such a satisfactory and clean-cut way .
24 A second spitfire came to Douglas 's aid and the Heinkel was sent crashing to its doom in the water beside Port Seton .
25 But at yesterday 's meeting of the Snowdonia National Park 's northern area planning committee , members accepted an officer 's recommendation that the application be declined , and that Manweb be asked to place the cables underground .
26 ( f ) She proclaimed herself to the staff nurse to be an ex-Jehovah 's Witness and the notes were recorded accordingly .
27 Then , ducking his head under , he tried to free Gomez 's legs but the line was in and out of them like a cat 's cradle .
28 At the moment there are , in two areas of the country , big problems with er two children 's homes that the inspectors are already looking into .
29 The highly promising Keith Andrew from Lancashire would be qualified to take over in 1954 , and it was not a surprise when Northants decided to terminate Fiddling 's engagement before the season was out .
30 There were just the three of them , with Chamberlain holding one man 's future or the other 's in the palm of his hand .
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