Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [conj] [verb] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 In the coils adjacent to his wrists he located the python 's cloaca and managed to give it one hell of a goosing .
2 Daphne took the tube , squeezed a white worm of cream on to Rose 's shoulders and began spreading it with her large , plump hands .
3 She grabs a hold of this duck 's neck and starts twisting it — you know , like she 's trying to kill it .
4 Convocation Committee have discussed Amanda 's proposal and decided to initiate it .
5 We want to know their opinion of the band so that if we sign the group , we hope everyone in the company will like the artist 's work and try to promote it as well as possible .
6 Judaism , as we have seen , has always emphasised the wholeness of man 's nature and sought to sustain it .
7 Now they are looking forward to next year 's event and hoping to make it a hat-trick .
8 The officers had examined the window in Zambia 's showercub but had considered it too small for hir to escape through , the wall outside too sheer .
9 As the days passed Creggan got used to Slorne 's silence and grew to like it and he would perch at his stance and think about the land in the South where the two of them came from and try to imagine what it was like .
10 He took the note out of Tessa 's hands and began to read it through again , rubbing his chin uneasily .
11 Another woman reached for the speaker 's hand and started stroking it .
12 Carol put her hands on either side of Melanie 's face and tried to twist it to receive a deep throat kiss — her tongue was out and ready .
13 To avoid being seen or attacked , she would clutch at bread or salt belonging to her victim 's family and attempt to eat it quickly .
14 Now I have to say that since I 've seen a report from the Students ' Union and have read it through , I was actually shocked at the level of harassment that that report seemed to indicate .
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