Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [conj] it [is] a " in BNC.

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1 Thus , pupils moving around the system can enhance a school 's provision if it is a net gainer but cause severe problems very quickly if it is a net loser .
2 It was , of course , by far a situation too good to last and in time , gazing down the glen , a solitary figure was spied struggling up the brae — without a kit-bag — the WAAFs identified their squadron officer ( known as Belladonna ) apparently about to make her first call on her troops in the wild , I was never able at first hand to witness this airmen 's paradise but it is a story that passed the rounds at Kinloss .
3 The document which Bishop Tikhon will read puts Raskolnikov in Svidrigailov 's shoes because it is a record of the excesses a mortally jaded palate has got up to .
4 She got in Prince 's Square and it 's a , it 's a good one .
5 Small change for the men 's game but it 's a tough task for the women to raise such a sum by next summer .
6 ‘ Sotheby 's claim that it is an unwitting participant rings hollow ’
7 She clearly does not believe that Wilson can have acted in this matter without the knowledge of people in the auction house : ‘ Sotheby 's claim that it is an unwitting participant rings hollow .
8 That 's the judge 's role and it 's a role that the judge discharged in that particular case .
9 The decision to go modern reflects York-based Forrest 's view that it is a play for contemporary audiences .
10 Tourism is also becoming an important component of developing nations ' economy because it is a source of foreign income .
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