Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [verb] [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Parents are protesting at a headmaster 's decision to send home an entire class because there 's no-one to teach them .
2 Dr Duncan Macmillan said he was supporting the university 's proposals to sell either a 16th-century bronze , Cain and Abel by de Vries , or a 17th-century landscape , The Banks of a River by van Ruisdael , because of a desperate need to raise money for the care of the remainder of the collection .
3 Yesterday 's Times had rather a worried headline . "
4 This bioluminescence is more common in the oceans , where the sun 's light penetrates only a few hundreds of metres down , leaving many animals in perpetual twilight or night .
5 Looked at from this point of view Gundovald 's revolt illustrates perfectly a major aspect of sixth- and indeed seventh-century politics , that is the tendency for those lacking royal support , either because of accidents of death or because they were in opposition to a particular monarch , to search out the favour of another king .
6 Matilda 's parents owned quite a nice house with three bedrooms upstairs , while on the ground floor there was a dining-room and a living-room and a kitchen .
7 Captain Dunbar 's been around now for over a year and most of Madeleine 's suitors last only a few months , so we think it 's serious . ’
8 The council of state ordered a settlement , but Thomson 's group won only a partial victory .
9 The failure of yesterday 's meeting to achieve even a preliminary compromise makes the prospect of a final agreement before the end of this year highly unlikely .
10 Mr Bangemann 's intervention comes only a few weeks after Mr Major accused the President of the German Bundesbank , Helmut Schlesinger , of sabotaging the pound .
11 My mother 's picture shows only a drab , mouse-like girl with timid eyes .
12 Cecil 's initiative brought together a huge army of 500,000 canvassers — 35,000 in London , 6500 in Birmingham , 3000 in Edinburgh , 500 in Gloucester .
13 A buzzard 's feathers have almost a glossy look to them , and they 're more than one shade of brown .
14 Thus Kohlberg 's theory seems more a political manifesto than a scientific statement .
15 Galileo 's argument reflects neither an ultimate separation of science from religion nor the use of science to impugn the miraculous .
16 One final question seems pertinent : What would the response have been had Mr Brettell 's offence involved instead an undercover policewoman ?
17 Neil Frude 's book brings together a wide range of stimulating ideas related to the association of human attributes to non-human objects .
18 On 28 January 1992 District Judge Harris sitting in the Liverpool County Court granted the debtor 's application to set aside a statutory demand dated 15 August 1991 which had been served on the debtor on 21 August 1991 by the creditors , Marshalls , a firm of solicitors , in respect of their unpaid bill of 31 July 1991 , and dismissed the bankruptcy petition founded on that demand , which had been issued on 20 September 1991 , on the basis that the service of the statutory demand had contravened section 69(1) of the Solicitors Act 1974 .
19 His mother 's claims come just a few days before the publication of a report into the case of seven mental patients , who died after they were discharged from hospital .
20 Ali 's Dad died only a few months ago .
21 Sir John Savile , Scrope 's principal opponent , was therefore introduced into the council as its vice-president but effective head , Scrope 's presidency retaining only a titular significance .
22 Opened in 1846 this section had been early superseded and closed and in the time of Mr Mester 's childhood comprised only an overgrown formation .
23 After Downes had been driven away , Morse and Lewis walked back to their own car , where Morse gave urgent instructions to the forensic lab to sent a couple of their whizz-kids over to the railway station — immediately ! — and to Kidlington HQ to see that a breakdown van would be available in about an hour 's time to ferry away a certain Metro .
24 In the face of doubts about the truths of religion , could bereaved parents still take courage and assume that their children 's death meant only a brief separation , the prelude to reunion in happier surroundings ?
25 Chaucer 's pilgrims travelled only a short distance from London to Canterbury , but to embark on a pilgrimage was one of the ways in which an ordinary citizen of the Middle Ages could travel abroad .
26 A bees ' nest has only a single entrance , so air can not be made to flow through it as it does through a prairie dog 's tunnel .
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