Example sentences of "of fish [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A hitherto unknown disease which may be linked to pollution caused by the recent Gulf war is killing large numbers of fish off the coast of Bahrain .
2 Bring the water to a simmer and put the platter of fish into the steamer or on to the rack .
3 To the covered fish market at dawn to buy fish for a bouillabaisse , which held no romance for her for she had not then read Ford 's description of the great bouillabaisse in the Calanques , nor Elizabeth David 's description of the colours and patterns of fish on the stalls .
4 Earthtrust removed the dead bodies and organised regular supplies of fish for the surviving dolphins in Shakang Harbour who were starving to death .
5 SIR — In 1813 Sir Thomas Bernard published a pamphlet , An Account of a Supply of Fish for the Manufacturing Poor , which proposed to ameliorate the poverty among working people in London by increasing the supply of fish .
6 How has a Montpellier fishwife so mastered the art of composition that with her basket of fish for the bouillabaisse she is presenting a picture of such splendour that instead of going to look at the famous collection of paintings in the Musée Fabre you drive off as fast as possible to the coast to order a dish cooked with just such fish ?
7 The little bit of fish for the landlady 's cat was beginning to stink .
8 He said : ‘ It is the case that landings of fish have been good recently and that has depressed the price of fish at the market .
9 The traditional fishmonger was n't up to much either , apparently , selling the same varieties of fish to the same ageing customers .
10 Her host , Laszlo , an ex-accountant , used to take action directe by tossing down the remains from his dinner plate of fish to the cats waiting beneath the balcony .
11 Until recently , it contained a wide group of fish of the kind known generally as haplochromines : that is , they were once classed in the single genus ( see p. 124 ) Haplochromis within the family Cichlidae , though they are now generally placed in several different genera .
12 Crown quiet , best chances of fish from the bridge up to the start of the conkers .
13 The chef in question , who has perhaps first-hand knowledge of Normandy , and obtains his supplies of fish from the Norman coast , calls his creation sole à la normande .
14 Miss Braithwaite was clearly a different kettle of fish from the other Deaconess he 'd met , Miss Tilley .
15 " I do , " agreed Matthew , thinking that old Coleworthy was a very different kettle of fish from the man now staring at him with slightly belligerent blue eyes .
16 In a report last summer , Mr Wohl said the market was dominated by an atmosphere of violence and extortion that significantly increased the retail price of fish in the city .
17 One fisherman waxed lyrical about the variety of fish in the river .
18 Fishing : Locally obtained permit necessary ; there are 20 varieties of fish in the lake !
19 I bought some wild Angels ( P. scalare ) in 1988 with ragged and shortened fins , either from the attentions of fish in the wild , or rough handling in transit .
20 The diversity of form and behaviour among the several thousand species of fish in the world is enormous , but there are probably just two , very different , examples of tool use among them .
21 There are about 30,000 species of fish in the world and some 250 of these are actively venomous , possessing spines and venom glands .
22 You can also include other species of fish in the community tank , that is non-cichlids .
23 I place the chosen pair of fish in the spawning tank in the early evening .
24 Overall , the modifications to the management of the system resulted in an increase of about 25% of the total agricultural output , with a change in emphasis towards fish production and export ( which makes economic sense because of the high value of fish in the marketplace ) .
25 Since the introduction of a series of hydroelectric dams in the 1930s , total numbers of fish in the rivers have declined from about 18 million to 2.5 million .
26 WWF also hopes to control the amount of waste water flowing into the Danube ; pollution has wiped out 70 of the river 's 110 species of fish in the past 10 years and is threatening the ecosystem of the Black Sea .
27 nice bit of fish in the middle there I think .
28 The introduction There are hundred of stars that shine there are hundred of fish in the sea , there are hundreds of people the whole world over , there 's only one mother for me , only one mother for me , I love her and she loves me , there are and shells on the shore , there are and shells on the beach there are the whole world over but there 's only one mother for me .
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