Example sentences of "of support for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It would also have to be decided whether direct income payments and other forms of support for farmers would be exempt or would be considered to be export subsidies .
2 The volume of support for Sakharov broke through to the Moscow centre where power is wielded over the world from lofty isolation , where ‘ they ’ make their decisions .
3 The result suggested an increasingly fragmented political scene , confirming the importance of the regional Lombardy League and providing further evidence — following on from the referendum on electoral reform in June 1991 — of the erosion of support for power-sharing between the DC and the PSI .
4 In October of that year the King came to Compiègne as the guest of the Emperor and Empress , who both deployed all their charms in an attempt to woo him into a declaration of support for France .
5 The slippage of support for universalism , equality , and public services was illustrated in comments made by Roy Jenkins .
6 That will mean the sort of support for groups that this campaign is talking about .
7 As local Sports Development Groups and Plans can represent a significant source of support for sport I do hope that your organisation will be represented at this meeting .
8 Having achieved this , they provoked disquiet in two quarters : first , those concerned with the defence of Basrah , up the river to the north , and the nearby port of Umm Qasr ; and , second , the government of Kuwait ( an important source of support for Iraq throughout the war ) , which had already suffered air attacks and was to be struck again before the fighting was over .
9 Senior PLO figures like Hani al-Hassan nevertheless maintained the theme of support for Iraq .
10 Given this premise , we should not be surprised to find the police are in the forefront of support for proposals such as the introduction of identity cards ; it was not surprising to find the 1988 Superintendents ' Association conference not only supporting this motion , but arguing for the creation of twenty-four hour armed patrols throughout the country and making a plea for a national motorway squad .
11 If their influence over public policy is to be maintained , it is essential that the state ensures a broad degree of support for state policy from other fractions of capital , from intermediate class categories ( such as the petit bourgeoisie and non-manual groups ) , and from significant sections of the working class .
12 ‘ There are means of support for women in your situation . ’
13 The lobby received widespread support from both churches and secular organisations , with messages of support for CNHC being received from amongst others the CBI , House Builders Federation and the National Federation of Housing Associations .
14 Not only has there been strong opposition to trade unionism and lack of support for union security at enterprise level by employers ( particularly those in small , paternalistic firms ) but trade unions have also not regarded the negotiation of agreements and protection of immediate job interests — certainly at plant level — as their central concern .
15 But such was the surge of support for South Africa , who have been out of international rugby for eight years , that in the end only Wales , it is understood , voted against .
16 We maintain a dialogue with a range of countries with the aim of discouraging any form of support for terrorist groups .
17 It was Dai Qing who rallied other journalists to send messages of support for Qin Benli , urging his reinstatement .
18 The duty is phrased more positively in terms of support for families rather than diminishing the need to take children into care ; the duty is , though , owed to ‘ children in need ’ , defined in terms of disability , significant impairment of health or development , and failure to achieve or maintain a reasonable standard of health or development without the provision of services .
19 Taken together , this restricted definition of support for families and children in need constitutes the new ideology of residualism and this will continue to provide a challenge for good practices in child care .
20 Equally , to sanction an attack upon noble landownership would have been to alienate and undermine the prime basis of support for autocracy .
21 Congress , is asked to accept this motion , with a qualification that the union will need to develop a framework of support for workplace environment activities .
22 Wellington also contained the headquarters of New Zealand Railways , and its massive , confident air surmounted by rows of flag-poles represented an extraordinary reaffirmation of support for railways in New Zealand .
23 Britain 's initial position of support for Cramra had been to all intents and purposes relinquished by the end of the meeting .
24 Users of Software AG 's Natural , Adabas and Network products will be offered the chance to take on UnixWare clients or possibly servers following the promise of support for Univel 's operating system as early as the end of this year .
25 It is arguable that the Swedish policy of support for parents in the labour force , as well as similar measures in Eastern Europe , have put a brake on fertility decline and perhaps reversed it .
26 UNION leaders hope to plunge Britain into darkness on Saturday as a gesture of support for miners .
27 Sir Leon added that the Government should also adopt a more active policy of support for progress towards European monetary union , with a central banking system , while resisting other forms of unnecessary economic union .
28 The official national results , released on Oct. 23 , were met with rioting in North-West Province , a centre of support for Fru Ndi ( who had earlier claimed victory himself ) .
29 It is wholly inappropriate and a slur on parents ' intelligence to imply , as your correspondent does , that coercion and possibly intimidation have played a part in achieving the present levels of support for change .
30 The general lack of support for DRA products and the difficulty of establishing overall policies which discriminate in favour of disadvantaged areas add to other factors which constrain agricultural development in DRAs .
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