Example sentences of "of the society for " in BNC.

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1 Phyllis Bowman , national director of the Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child , told its annual conference at Keele that a dual attack on abortion and embryo experimentation will be launched in the autumn when the Government announces its Bill on embryo research .
2 The project architect was Angela Clemo of Southbank Architects who continued the work following the reconstitution of the Society for Co-operative Dwellings into a secondary housing co-operative which does not offer in-house architectural services .
3 Andronikos was a leading member of the Archaeological Association of Athens and a member of the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies in London and the Society for Macedonian Studies in Thessalonika .
4 Last week , a conference of the Society for Experimental Biology at Lancaster University heard new information about the possible risks to crops from increased UVB radiation levels .
5 The only disappointment of the evening was the lack of interest shown by the ordinary members of the Society for this event ; most of those who attended were spouses , friends , or colleagues of the committee .
6 In a few days ' time the President of the Society for the Protection of the Selva Sur , David Ricalde , would tell me , ‘ Some of these naturalists , it 's not their fault but they do n't know their stuff .
7 David Pearce has been Secretary of the Society for the protection of Ancient Buildings and Timothy Cantell Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society of Arts .
8 An archive of special social interest is that of the Society for the Relief of Sick and Distressed Needlewomen ( 1864–1927 ) .
9 A college … should provide a school … and the subscribers , becoming Governors of the new institution , should proceed to choose a President , Vice-Presidents , Treasurer , Secretary , and such other officers as should appear convenient … to institute their Veterinary Professor … that His Majesty , and His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , be humbly prayed to take it under their joint patronage : and , the Master of the Horse , the President of the Royal Society , the President of the Royal College of Physicians , and the President of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts , Manufacturers and Commerce , should be each invited to a government of the college …
10 Pugh lists Horatio , Earl of Orford , as a foundation member of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts , Manufactures and Commerce ( called later the Royal Society of Arts ) along with others who were members of that society and also foundation members of the College in 1791 .
11 As a result of the MRC 's calculations Martin claims , in an article in the spring issue of the Journal of the Society for Radiological Protection , that ‘ 300 rads average bone marrow dose is unlikely to kill more than a small percentage of those exposed ’ .
12 ‘ I 'm to be on the committee of the Society for the Relief of Distressed Widows , ’ she told him one day .
13 It was the beginning of the funds of The Society for the Relief of Persons Confined For Small Debts , which James Neild , a Londoner jeweller , had founded in February 1772 .
14 In 1774 he published An Account of the Rise , Progress and Present State of the Society for the Discharge and Relief of Persons Imprisoned for Small Debts .
15 In that year the secretary of the Society for the Relief of Persons Confined for Small Debts received a letter from Spencer Perceval the Prime Minster ( who was later to be assassinated by a bankrupt , John Bellingham ) to say that His Majesty had graciously given orders to present The Thatched House Society with £2,000 from his private purse .
16 LOCAL members and supporters of The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children held a Pro-Life Chain and Educational Stall in St Anne 's to commemorate the anniversary of the passing of the 1967 Abortion Act .
17 NEW LIFE : A new branch of the Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child has got off to an encouraging start at St Winefride 's parish in Neston , where Jim Hallis is the chairman , Margaret Unsworth is the secretary and Debbi Trotman is the treasurer .
18 Until the opening of the Swan Theatre in 1965 , the Worcester Society of Artists went under the name of The Society for the Advancement of Music and the Visual Arts , founded in 1947 .
19 The Hull delegate to the National Conference of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children , in Nottingham in October , was surprised to learn that China is less than half as densely populated as the UK , despite the forcible abortion and sterilisation carried out on women in China and used as a means of genocide in Chinese-occupied Tibet .
20 She had heard about Donna Frizzell 's frightful taste in literature , and , though she was herself a member of the Society for the Preservation of Morals and knew why the books had been purchased , she saw no reason to save her neighbour any humiliation , and had expressed suitably shocked surprise .
21 Paul Chandler is the new General Secretary of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge ( SPCK ) , based in London , UK .
22 Membership of the Society for Britain including Northern Ireland is £11 Stg per year and all members receive the Society 's thrice yearly journal .
23 APA members rate the work of the Society for the Study of Lesbian and Gay Issues even lower in importance and interest than that of the Division of the Psychology of Women ( Harari and Peters 1987 ) .
24 More personal links can be traced through Sir Ernest Benn , the founder of the Society for Individual Freedom , who , in addition to being a good friend of Allen , was also the publisher of Hewart 's The New Despotism .
25 Patrick Gilbert , General Secretary of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge ( SPCK ) , has taken premature retirement for health reasons .
26 Thanks to Minimally Invasive Therapy ( MIT ) , what were once major operations are now ‘ more like visiting the dentist ’ , says Consultant Urologist John Wickham , founder of the Society for Minimally Invasive Therapy .
27 In the case of the Society for Biophysical Medicine , agency staff conducted the transcribing task themselves , and posted the information to the research project .
28 As far back as the 1690s , with the establishment of the Society for the Reformation of Manners in London and the provinces , moral transgressors , including violators of the Sabbath , profane swearers , prostitutes , keepers of bawdy houses , actors in indecent plays and buggers , had been subject to sustained efforts at moral control , while public officials in the royal court encouraged the societies as an important contribution to the woefully inadequate police .
29 Pritt , KC , later Chairman of the Society for Cultural Relations with the USSR , appeared for Nguyen Ai Quoc , and Stafford Cripps for the Hong Kong government ; he quickly decided that he had a weak case and deportation to French territory was dropped .
30 An abstract recently presented by R K Yu et al at the 22nd annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in Anaheim , California , indicated no clear association of treatment with monosialoganglioside ( G m 1 ) and the development of antibodies to it in 418 samples from human subjects receiving parenteral gangliosides .
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