Example sentences of "of the church and " in BNC.

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1 To equip the Church to make an effective Christian response to AIDS , respecting the historic teachings of the church and providing unconditional care .
2 The influence of the second Vatican Council ( 1962–5 ) has enabled theological discourse to become dominated by non-hierarchical models of the church and a generally eirenic theology in which all the churches in Ireland share .
3 But in justice I think a society needs civil divorce and that the real concern of the Church and the community should be to work at understanding prevention .
4 We trooped off round the back of the church and up into a small raised garden where there were indeed some benches .
5 That is why the prayer of the Church as such , the Eucharistic meal which expresses and celebrates joyfully the community of the Church and the ultimate unity of humankind is the sacrament of bodily suffering , of the sacrificial death of Christ at our hands .
6 Bethune-Baker and his school at Cambridge disliked the anti-rational quality in the book — the ‘ scandalousness ’ of the Church and its gospel — and took several more marks off Hoskyns for begetting such a child .
7 ‘ He discoursed about his understanding of the Church and he said that we had to hold the high and the low together but for his part his sympathies were with the high .
8 Willink as a lawyer had a lot to do with the administration of the Church and saw the argument that an archbishop must be able to bear a load of administration .
9 Old-established festive customs , in which sports mixed with eating , dancing , and drinking according to the traditions of the Church and agricultural practice , were gradually eroded .
10 with things to colour or do are available at the back of the church and in the cry room .
11 with things to colour or do are available at the back of the church and in the cry room .
12 Section 27 expresses it well : ‘ This once-for-all atoning work of Christ , realized and experienced in the life of the Church and celebrated in the Eucharist , continues the free gift of God which is proclaimed in the gospel . ’
13 Similarly , on retreats such as this one , the fire of the Holy Spirit has an opportunity to burn away the dross of the Church and even of doctrine that may obscure the faith that is central to all we believe and hope for .
14 Much taken aback , not least because Amy and I had had a number of conversations about her low opinion of the Church and what it stood for , I asked how she knew it was Jesus .
15 I can still remember proudly opening the door of the church and seeing the look of complete horror on her face .
16 Likewise , Kingsley Martin recalled in his autobiography how one coal-merchant ‘ noisily walked out of the church and slammed the door ’ in the middle of a sermon by his father , a Congregational minister , because the merchant felt that as an employer he had been attacked .
17 However , he reflected that it was now twenty years since he had been ejected from the church on ‘ Black Bartholomew 's Day ’ , and during all that time , by God 's mercy , he , and many others had been kept in relative ‘ peace ’ and freedom to serve the Lord , despite all the efforts of the Church and State to silence them .
18 The family took as their emblem a ladder , hence the family name , hence the name of the church and hence the name of the opera house .
19 The double curving staircase leads up to the chancel where a fine Baroque grille hides the tombs of the Přemyslid princes , founders of the church and convent .
20 Above them are the Doctors of the Church and some wonderful vases .
21 Come out of the church and to the left you can see one façade of the Clementinum .
22 In return he gave them other ground at the rear of the church and also on the right-hand side of the new road and bordering Killicomaine Road .
23 The floors of the church and schoolroom to be washed out when needed and not less than three times a year .
24 Others who have undertaken the care of the church and halls in later years have been Mrs Bell , Mrs Carson , Mr and Mrs Redpath , Mr James Twyble , Mr John Lavery , Mrs David Binks , Mrs K McClatchey and Mr William McFadden .
25 His financial skills were freely given to the work of the church and the warmth of his welcome to visitors and his genuine interest in people made him a host of friends .
26 It is conventional for the bride 's family to occupy one side of the church and for the groom 's family to occupy the other .
27 Paton shared Smith 's belief that young people should be kept under the influence of the Church and that they required discipline and order .
28 We soon took steps to ensure that Gary was otherwise occupied when private matters of the church and home were discussed .
29 Look in the churchyard at the south east corner of the church and you will find a poignant tombstone , grave of Cook 's mother , brothers and sisters .
30 In our annual reports in Dumbarton Oaks Papers we have shown something of the extraordinary nature of the church and its decoration and shed much new light on the period immediately before Justinian .
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