Example sentences of "of the a [letter] " in BNC.

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1 It 's very interesting that , that you , you mention that , as most people do n't yet got their copy of the date Yellow Pages , it was an away from home and I , I was n't , and it was in fact in today 's Yellow Pages an article by David Mason on Richard Lacey 's new book which he 's , seems to be selling at twelve ninety-nine a copy , which , which he says makes hardly any mention of the A B Os , and there 's a comment here from Linda Allen , Undersecretary and basically it 's all very negative , we do n't like this and we do n't like that .
2 This union and other unions have protested most vigorously to the Mersey Region and they decided then to go ahead with the appeals by approaching other trade unions , not necessarily involved in clinical skills , like the plumbers and the joiners of the A U E W and the EPTU .
3 Er my answer to Miss Whittaker 's originating question , there has been no argument at all that the area where this policy will operate , which is the open countryside outside of the A O N Bs and national parks , has got any special character that requires a more restrictive approach than national policy .
4 the A , one of the A S Ns would of additional responsibility , it would n't be absolutely every performance
5 The man who was in charge of the A S , er the S A S storming of the Iranian Embassy ten years ago is to lead Britain 's forces in the Gulf ; fifty-six year old Lieutenant General Sir Peter de la Beliaire was due to retire in November .
6 I went to the Bluecoat School in Walsall and they erm they used to run a A T C wing in there which later to belonged to and they they brought this Hawker Demon in , which was a plane into the playground for the instruction of the A T C fellas and the kids all ripped the canvas off it for souvenirs and it was down to a skeleton in no time
7 Well , that concludes the business of the A G M and , er it 's now twelve forty and er we can move straight on to deal with the business of the extraordinary general meeting .
8 I think at the time of the er , of the A G M , I said we were pleased by the prospects and in the current statement I say the outlook continues promising , but I do n't think at any point we 've made more of a forecast than that .
9 Minutes of the A G M on the second of December nineteen ninety one were read proposed Jack and seconded that they be accepted .
10 This concluded the business of the A G M and the chairman closed the , the meeting at ten ten ten past ten .
11 well item one is the minutes of the A G M nineteen ninety two if there are any queries , may I have them now or I will take them as read and sign them .
12 The whole of the , the whole of the A G M has a say there because it 's all up for grabs .
13 So , you see , you do n't have to go to win ; you can join the huge ranks of the A N Others and go for the hell of it .
14 The African National Congress faces a new crisis with the charging of Winnie Mandela , wife of the A N C deputy leader on four counts of kidnapping and four of assault .
15 The meeting took place against a background of increased factional fighting between supporters of the A N C and the conservative Zulu Inkahta movement .
16 Oh he 's a member of the A A is n't he ?
17 Clever Folly , winner of the A F Budge Chase at Cheltenham two years ago , has already scored twice at the track this season but needs fast conditions .
18 Do each of you have a copy of this of of the A C terms of engagement ?
19 Can you get copies of the A C terms of engagement for each of the function heads and myself ?
20 Does anybody like to make a contribution on Appendix B Right , the point is that we 're accepting that we support it , and that the Association of County Councils and that 's the International Affairs Sub-Committee of the A C C be informed of the County Council 's support , of the options set out in Appendix B. Is that agreed ?
21 National minimum wage , of which has said , the employment consequences would be little short of disastrous and the society backs estimates that up to eight hundred thousand jobs could be destroyed by the minimum wage and of the A E U described the minimum wage as nonsense and said he was flatly opposed to it 's introduction in the private sector .
22 , bless , president of the A V W Engineering Union , gave a warning to the T U C against denying the unemployed the opportunity to join the Scheme .
23 A group of unions has endorsed proposals put forward by the Involvements and Partnership Association a document towards industrial partnership was signed in September nineteen ninety two , by the General Secretaries of the A W E U , A U T , B I F U , the G M B , I M S F , N C U , U C W , and .
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