Example sentences of "of bit [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So that 's the only other sort of bit of sort of
2 If the resolution is increased to 2048 x 2048 then the number of bits per second to be transmitted rises to 209 715 200 .
3 There 's a pal of mine who works at the wood yard and he brings me a bag of bits of wood that 's been left over .
4 I made these particular spinners myself out of bits of copper . ’
5 So you 'd end up putting much smaller sort of bits of land
6 It was the centrifuge that yielded the last cull , a final ounce of bits of metal .
7 Gurder and Masklin swung in a crude basket made out of bits of metal and wire .
8 It suddenly started to make the long-drawn-out screaming noise of bits of metal in distress .
9 That is equivalent to regarding the particular arrangement of rocks in a mountain , or of bits of metal in a scrap-heap , as " complex " .
10 She constructs out of bits of stories heard on the radio elaborate dramatic scenarios which parody genres such as the thriller , the spy novel , and the popular romance .
11 Of course I 'm coming back , go and get your slippers on and make yourself a couple of bits of toast
12 He may think in terms of bits of equipment , flows of material , flows of energy or flows of information .
13 There are lots of bits of evidence that suggest that the Bible has been consistently rewritten to make it more monotheistic than it really was in the beginning .
14 Are you gon na put her a couple of bits of banana in there ?
15 That 's what you 're gon na do , you 're gon na be given a pile full of bits of rubble , shells , all sorts , and you 've got to sort them out to different piles .
16 The Doctor 's vague descriptions of bits of wire conducting sound waves through the air , and speed allowing gravity to be defeated , only succeeded in confusing the poet .
17 ‘ It was very muddled because she 'd pieced it together out of bits of gossip picked up here and there .
18 There were two cardboard boxes in the middle of the room full of bits of glass and torn clothes .
19 When I open it , a load of bits of paper fall out and flutter to the ground .
20 Clearly , the huge flood of bits of paper in various forms may become totally incommensurate with the real labour process , and in conditions of a capitalist structure , this will be one of the indications of its collapse .
21 Search for it through the wodge of bits of paper and exercise books and writing pads that my dreams , all my precious dreams are scribbled on .
22 ‘ Why do we have need of bits of paper ? ’
23 For John , on his endless round of visits to cuttings and embankments , tunnels and bridges , it was sometimes hard to believe that all this buzz of well-organized industry could be brought to a halt by the movement of bits of paper in the far-off City .
24 Yeah there was lots of bits of paper floating around it was , it was a
25 The latter process demands a knowledge of higher mathematics , the strength of materials and thousands of bits of wisdom .
26 THRILLED SKINNY : ‘ Let There Be Shelving EP ’ ( Hunchback ) top DIY enthusiasts knock up a tasty four track EP with a couple of bits of string and some sticky-back plastic .
27 The ballroom is scattered with cheap wooden chairs , tables , rolls of ancient , mouldy-smelling carpets , a couple of old motorbikes and lots of bits of motorbikes standing or lying on oil-stained sheets , and what looks and smells like an industrial-standard deep-fat frier with the associated hoods , filters , fan housing and ducting .
28 There was a rubbish dump on the way , which was a prime source of bits of cloth and wire , and the flooded gravel pits further on were handy if anyone had the patience to fish .
29 All this talk of bits of code being pulled out of disk and cache , being translated on the fly and wandering around networks sounds horrendously slow , but appears in practice to be blindingly fast .
30 All this talk of bits of code being pulled out of disk and cache , being translated on the fly and wandering around networks sounds horrendously slow , but appears in practice to be blindingly fast .
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