Example sentences of "of a series of " in BNC.

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1 Salim leaves them , takes off on the first of a series of ‘ flights ’ , and treks to the interior , to a country which appears to be compounded of the Congo and of Uganda , in order to earn a living from a store which he has acquired from a man whose daughter he is expected to marry one day .
2 A film is made up of a series of shots that may be photographed over various periods of time ; a ‘ take ’ that may have originally started out as three or four minutes in length may eventually be edited to a ten second shot .
3 The Harvest Holiday , as the report suggested , would be introduced in late October and would be the first of a series of changes to age-hold British holiday customs .
4 FOOD Minister David Maclean has blamed the KGB for poor publicity surrounding the launch of a series of food safety guides from the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries & Food ( MAFF ) .
5 The selected ‘ A ’ squad then works together for the targeted event by means of a series of residential training sessions .
6 This is one of a series of free factsheets produced by Age Concern England .
7 He said it would be the first of a series of ventures which Gooding was discussing with Japanese companies , aimed at bringing research and technology to Britain rather than just final assembly of goods .
8 The Guardian and The Observer published details of the contents of the book in April 1986 and The Sunday Times published the first of a series of extracts in July 1987 .
9 But for Mr Montagu , his colleague , Bob Brown , and his team in the department 's Agency , Systems and Planning Division , it is one of a series of new creations .
10 The ban is expected to be part of a series of new measures to tighten control of the illegal horticultural business which is worth billions of dollars a year .
11 Thus , in February 1981 , in the face of a series of lightning strikes in parts of the coal industry , notably in the Welsh mining valleys , the government had to retreat and extend a subsidy for this struggling industry in a way totally at variance with its basic philosophy .
12 Without the legislation , the UK legislation , of a series of British governments , the paraphernalia of a Commonwealth comprising eighteen kingdoms , five other monarchies of which the Queen is not the monarch , and twenty-six republics , with our sovereign as its purported ‘ head ’ , could never have come into existence .
13 Grundrisse consists of a series of notebooks which were never finally prepared for publication and are therefore somewhat untidy and unsystematic .
14 This requires the co-ordinated release into our gut of a series of digestive enzymes and fluids which are then mixed with the food .
15 Managing director Kevin Eakin said that while the half percentage point cut would not have a dramatic effect , it was part of a series of cuts all in the right direction .
16 From the demonstrations of British pluck and enterprise in The Wooden Horse ( 1950 ) , the first of a series of escape pictures , and the celebration of one woman 's heroism in the Anna Neagle-starring Odette ( 1950 ) , through action films such as The Dam Busters ( 1955 ) , The Battle of the River Plate ( 1956 , Pursuit of the Graf Spee in US ) and Sink the Bismark ( 1960 ) , there is a sense of well-known events being played out for an audience that already knew about them .
17 ‘ Openness must be central to the policing of a democratic and pluralist society , ’ he said : all too often , the police had retreated behind ‘ one of many walls of silence , ’ giving one of a series of stock excuses to the press and public for refusing to disclose information .
18 The star of a series of previous horror classics — the poll tax , water privatisation — came on to the despatch box at just before three in the afternoon .
19 It was originally scheduled for 1992 as part of a series of follow-up meetings to the 1975 Helsinki conference on European security and co-operation .
20 APAP members in London — believed to be seriously disaffected by the association 's stance in the dispute — will be met by an executive member , Mr Peter Kenney , in the first of a series of meetings to rally support for the union amid threats of a revolt following the resignation of the 132-strong Hertfordshire chapter last week .
21 He said no bread would be baked this Sunday in the first of a series of one-day strikes if the 9,000 workers who produce nearly 80 per cent of loaves throw out the deal .
22 The meeting comes after months of turmoil at Ferranti , from the discovery of a series of bogus contracts at the International Signal subsidiary , most of which were committed before it was bought by Ferranti in 1987 .
23 Their sell-out shows invariably consist of a series of increasingly strange guests ( usually played by Bob Mortimer ) constantly interrupted by Reeves 's tangential monologues and a catalogue of references to pop music and trash television .
24 A year ago , when the Soviet retreat from Eastern Europe seemed almost guaranteed , American strategists saw the prospect of a series of global partnerships .
25 Quill-written characters consist of a series of more-or-less straight strokes , simple enough for a computer to turn into numbers and analyse , but complex enough to vary from scribe to scribe .
26 In 1981 he launched the first of a series of closely watched consumer surveys .
27 The stands are composed of a series of metal rods ( fig. 5.10 ) , and two possible methods of construction had been proposed .
28 We hear also of a series of disasters visited by God on the country , in order to force the Egyptians ' hands .
29 But by the time the Israelites first passed that way , towards , probably , the end of the thirteenth century BCE , that tower , now exposed to view by the archaeologist 's shovel , would have been hidden deep beneath the ground , buried beneath layer after layer of the remains of a series of settlements .
30 The Centre for Policy Studies was only one of a series of institutions which now began to churn out papers , briefings , and a stream of serious young advisers in dark suits who saw it as their role to steer the party away from the errors of its past ways .
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