Example sentences of "of a us [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The fact that evidence and documents relating to the case had either disappeared or been tampered with and that witnesses had been threatened led members of a US Congressional investigative task force to conclude that the military high command had been controlling the investigation and limiting the number and rank of the officers to be held responsible for the crime .
2 The Melby — Erskine mission had been sent to Vietnam to consider the feasibility of a US economic and military aid programme .
3 The legislation 's loose definition of a ‘ British ’ film , as one made by a British company in a British studio using a certain percentage of British crew , could be applied to a picture made by a British subsidiary of a US major , using an American director , writer and key cast .
4 A report in the Washington Post of April 10 said that the plan presented by Solomon outlined four distinct phases : ( i ) at the time of the signing of an international agreement on Cambodia the USA and Vietnam would enter into normalization discussions ; the USA would also officially approve visits by US business and veterans ' groups to Vietnam ; ( ii ) with the establishment of a US transitional presence in Cambodia , the US would partially lift its trade embargo against Vietnam and Cambodia ; the second phase would also require increased accounting for US MIAs ; ( iii ) the third phase would begin after the UN process in Cambodia had lasted at least six months and would include the establishment of US and Vietnamese diplomatic offices in Hanoi and Washington respectively , a full lifting of the US trade embargo against Vietnam and an easing of US opposition to international bank lending to Vietnam ; the third phase would also involve further substantial progress in accounting for US MIAs ; ( iv ) the final phase would follow UN-supervised elections in Cambodia and would include full normalization of US diplomatic and economic relations with Vietnam and Cambodia as well as support for international bank lending .
5 The fall in activity was partly the result of a US naval blockade in the Strait of Tiran , although many ships had abandoned Aqaba earlier in the month for purely commercial reasons ( i.e. an increase in shipping insurance rates ) .
6 Among the line-up in tomorrow 's air show will be the appearance of a US Korean War Jet Fighter , the T33 ‘ Shooting Star ’ , a Dakota DC3 and a stunt show displayed by the Crunchie ‘ Stand on Wing ’ Flying Circus .
7 The prospect of a US Central Bank subject to interference from elected officials is frightening .
8 Clearly mindful of the likelihood of a US military intervention against Castro ( on 10 April 1959 Izvestiia published an article entitled ‘ Those who dream of a repetition of Guaternala ’ ) , the Soviet Union took care throughout 1959 not to take any step which might jeopardise its negotiations with the United States .
9 Bush repeated on Oct. 24 the comparison of Iraqi President Saddam Hussain with Hitler and denounced the " rape of Kuwait " and Iraqi " crimes against humanity " , while at a rally on Oct. 30 ( campaigning in support of Republicans in the mid-term congressional elections on Nov. 6 ) he gave warnings of the possibility of a US military offensive , urging the US public to " stay together in support of our kids halfway around the world " .
10 Press reports cited evidence of his involvement with the USA , including his use of a US military helicopter to travel from Beirut to Cyprus in 1986 and his involvement in the release of three US hostages , the Rev. Benjamin Weir , freed on Sept. 14 , 1985 , and Lawrence Jenco and David Jacobsen , released on July 26 and Nov. 2 , 1986 , respectively , all of whom turned out to have been traded for arms .
11 ‘ I believe the appointment of a US special envoy to Northern Ireland could be a catalyst in the effort to secure a lasting peace , ’ Mr Clinton wrote .
12 The two are scheduled to have six hours of talks at the White House tomorrow on agenda that include trade negotiations , Bosnia and the despatching of a US special envoy to Northern Ireland .
13 The shooting dead of a US marine and the wounding of another at a Panamanian roadblock on Saturday forced the US to take the situation more seriously .
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