Example sentences of "be [det] practical [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Here are some practical guidenotes to help you master this critical study skill .
2 Here are some practical ways in which you can be active .
3 There are some practical considerations that must be faced in terms of support for visually handicapped pupils who are being educated in resource situations .
4 In summary , here are some practical steps to raise your active status :
5 There are many practical reasons for studying motor skill .
6 There are many practical applications for analytical geochemistry .
7 However , there may be some practical advice to be given to the party you are supposed to be advising , and you should certainly comply with the examiner 's direction as far as you are able .
8 It will also be recollected that so many qualifications have been placed upon the decision in The Wagon Mound ( No. 1 ) that the concept of foreseeability is now applied in a very broad and liberal manner and there is unlikely to be much practical difference between an inquiry whether a consequence is foreseeable or natural .
9 There were some practical considerations to be taken into account before the work could actually commence however .
10 There were many practical recommendations on how the service could be improved .
11 Such rights , though commonly appendant or appurtenant to land — there is little practical difference between the two phrases — are not necessarily so .
12 Following trade representations , Customs have now decided that there is little practical difference between the schemes and will accept that output tax is due only on the payment from the employee and any third party .
13 Having said that , it has been suggested that the extent of the duty to use best endeavours depends upon the facts in each case and , pursuant to IBM United Kingdom Ltd v Rockware Glass Ltd [ 1980 ] FSR 335 , it may be that there is little practical difference between a covenant to use best endeavours , a covenant to use reasonable endeavours and a covenant to take all reasonable steps .
14 The slowest speeds , however , are already quite fast and there is little practical room for manipulation beyond them .
15 Limited and unlimited partnerships have no corporate personality but there is little practical consequence of the distinction between having or lacking corporate personality .
16 Even if you specifically ask for beginner 's equipment the choice is still daunting , so here is some practical advice that will help you to choose correctly .
17 … there is some practical convergence between ( i ) the anthropological and sociological senses of culture as a distinct ‘ whole way of life ’ , within which , now , a distinctive ‘ signifying system ’ is seen not only as essential but as essentially involved in all forms of social activity , and ( ii ) the more specialized if also more common sense of culture as ‘ artistic and intellectual activities ’ , though these , because of the emphasis on a general signifying system , are now much more broadly defined , to include not only the traditional arts and forms of intellectual production but also all the ‘ signifying practices ’ — from language through the arts and philosophy to journalism , fashion and advertising — which now constitute this complex and necessarily extended field .
18 Thus there is some practical convergence between ( i ) the anthropological and sociological senses of culture as a distinct ‘ whole way of life ’ , within which , now , a distinctive ‘ signifying system ’ is seen not only as essential but as essentially involved in all forms of social activity , and ( ii ) the more specialized if also more common sense of culture as ‘ artistic and intellectual activities ’ , though these , because of the emphasis on a general signifying system , are now much more broadly defined , to include not only the traditional arts and forms of intellectual production but also all the ‘ signifying practices ’ — from language through the arts and philosophy to journalism , fashion and advertising — which now constitute this complex and necessarily extended field .
19 A trolley or cabinet with two shelves is another practical addition to the video system .
20 The Irish Distillers case is another practical example of the operation of interim measures .
21 Now here 's some practical information about the day-to-day tasks involved in working in a shop .
22 Janet erm Mr want 's some practical suggestions I have one for goodness sake any show that 's suitable for children charge those children half price that way you 'll get .
23 Some forestry experts also suggested that there was little practical help that could be offered .
24 Since there was little practical guidance available in the literature and most previous research had not been carried out under normal classroom conditions , we decided to enlist the help of a number of experienced teachers who were using ‘ collaborative approaches successfully .
25 Thinking it was some practical joke by Vigilant , our engineers went to accuse Vigilant 's crew , but noticed smoke pouring our of our engine room .
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