Example sentences of "be [det] kind [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They are that kind of car and if you look at £80,000 and how long it 'll last you and see how many £15,000 cars you 'll buy in that time , we 're probably bargains .
2 Some result from experiences or preferences , and are reactions to our fears or those we feel are some kind of threat to us .
3 ‘ You are not going to have them say you are some kind of dickhead . ’
4 Monsterland are some kind of weird Beatles from hell , Hüsker Dü without the ennui factor , badly-produced feedback guitar shouters from Nowheresville who start off like Mudhoney , turn into late-era Byrds and then go haring off on their revving guitars before we can have them arrested .
5 I was just there for Type ninety , and he has a wall of books in his living room that — the shells are some kind of Danish wall system from nineteen fifty-five and it seemed , you know , that the shelves were slightly saggy , a few nicks and scrapes , so it 's not new looking at all .
6 It follows that there are some kinds of changes in the nuclear DNA ( such changes are called ‘ mutations ’ ; see p. 22 ) which will cause a change in the code .
7 There are some kinds of spoken discourse , however — like lessons , lectures , interviews , and trials — which have significant features in common with typical written discourse .
8 From medieval times there must have been some kind of dwelling on the slight rise in the ground upon which the house stood .
9 This is exactly the way the band saw it and , when pushed , certain employees of Rough Trade agreed that there had been some kind of promotional foul-up .
10 From Henry 's recollection of the trial , which was , admittedly , not all that clear , Young had been some kind of chemist .
11 In all the equipment mentioned so far , there seems to have been some kind of mathematical experience inherent .
12 He 'd been some kind of engineer .
13 There must have been some kind of remorse .
14 When I wake up , maybe I 'll find that , like the death of Bobby in Dallas , all the recent news has been some kind of bad dream and that labels like Sarah , Non Fiction , Play It Again Sam and Cooking Vinyl all have bands on Top Of The Pops .
15 Dinner consisted of pea soup , which Millie found quite nice — she could taste there had been some kind of pork boiled in the liquid — followed by a meat pudding .
16 There has unquestionably been some kind of collusion between Jesus and Judas .
17 On the basis of these figures , there has clearly been some kind of shift in the axis of the economy from manufacturing to services .
18 There had been some kind of religious fantasy , and a possibility of homosexual tampering .
19 What I 'm asking is , could there have been some kind of mistake here , at your end ? ’
20 The officer led him into what had once been some kind of common room .
21 There had been some kind of vast domed hall as he passed through the Gates ; he thought there had been colours within the light then , and he had received a dim impression of a far-off vaulted ceiling .
22 In between the Oaks and the Elms darted the Silver Birches , slender and frivolous-looking , with wild , shining white hair that streamed out behind them and mischievous features and trailing garments that might have been some kind of cloth , but might as easily have been simply their pale leaves .
23 Here he encountered Charles I 's young daughter Elizabeth [ q.v. ] , to whom he seems to have been some kind of chaplain and with whose virtues he was much taken .
24 It must of enlightened them on what the scriptures meant , by the sacred secret , cos before it must of been some kind of weird mystery to them
25 they 're that kind of mat
26 All the kids at school think you 're some kind of heretic . ’
27 I think all the lads are the same , they 're all kind of into-themselves people , not loud or anything which I think is nice .
28 Believe or not I could be one of the younger ones in my forties , they 're all kind of past that .
29 ‘ The contributors we had are all kind of double-0-seven , cloak-and-dagger types ’ , explained Krishna Littledale , one of the enticers of funds ; ‘ … if you talk very quietly and tell them they ca n't tell anyone about this conference , they will give you a lot more money . ’
30 There are all kinds of different questions we can ask about the life habits of these trilobites , which are not subject to the same kind of careful scrutiny .
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