Example sentences of "be [det] reason [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Nostalgia apart , there are some reasons to dislike photocomposition .
2 There are many reasons to oppose this Bill .
3 There are many reasons to doubt that .
4 There are many reasons to expect a priori that standards of policing should have improved .
5 So there are many reasons to avoid crash dieting .
6 If the operative part could properly be controlled by the recitals , I think there would be much reason to say that the only thing contemplated by the recitals was giving time for payment , without any relinquishment , on the part of the judgment creditor , of any portion of the amount recoverable ( whether for principal or for interest ) under the judgment .
7 There will be many reasons put forward why the school library can not have its own microcomputer but it is up to the school librarian and interested teachers to present a reasonable case , based firmly on educational grounds .
8 With ‘ non-reminiscers ’ there would appear to be less reason to dwell on the past , and it might be more useful to avoid it unless the counsellor feels that there is a particularly strong reason and purpose for doing so .
9 And then , because there did not seem to be any reason to wait , they moved cautiously to the door at the far end of the wood-store and inched it open .
10 I 'd say there was n't supposed to be any reason to think Harry had gone to Sam 's boatyard .
11 There were several reasons put forward for this rather modest use of economic information .
12 There is little reason to suppose that the consequences of these changes will in themselves lead farm workers to become more militant .
13 But it will emerge that there is little reason to believe that much of the confusion is classical .
14 There is little reason to believe that this will not be the pattern in the future too .
15 Soviet cases with political implications were given a great deal of publicity in the West , but there is little reason to believe that the great majority of cases in the Soviet Union were dealt with any less fairly than elsewhere .
16 With regard to traditional conflicts of interest , which are also liable to be efficiency-reducing , there is little reason to think that the separation of ownership and control has contributed significantly to the scope for management self-dealing , but it does pose problems for the effectiveness of the mechanisms that regulate it , the design of which is premised on shareholder involvement .
17 Such a move was clearly designed only to better a bad situation rather than remedy it completely , since it would be expected that the availability of refined sugar would be subject to the same seasonal fluctuations as availability of gur , and there is little reason to suspect that refined sugar was more readily available than the ( unrefined ) gur .
18 There is little reason to doubt that they are being incarcerated because of their trade union membership .
19 We know this from Soviet accounts , but there is little reason to doubt them .
20 There is little reason to doubt that these pristine people are able to impart their special vision to those whom they choose to be the recipients of their ancient knowledge .
21 There is little reason to doubt O'Neill 's honesty : clearly she had a very unusual experience .
22 For the moment , there is little reason to doubt that he regards ‘ internationalism ’ as the highest form of patriotism .
23 Leading Liberals , including Asquith , frequently asserted their desire for radical reform of the Poor Law and there is little reason to doubt their sincerity .
24 His general theme is that reason has supremacy over revelation .
25 Historians have quarrelled about that since Thucydides and perhaps before ( for there is some reason to think that he was writing to correct what he saw as error , notably about the Megarian decree , for which see p. 91 ) .
26 There is some reason to doubt that all the discrepancies can be eliminated by taking account of the short-term/long-term distinction : Lantz 's ( 1973 ) demonstration of superior latent inhibition with spaced trials came from a procedure in which the first conditioning trial followed the last trial of pre-exposure ; James ' ( 1971 ) demonstration of perfect retention used , in training , the interstimulus intervals typical of studies of short-term habituation .
27 There is some reason to believe them , despite the first instinct to be sceptical , since they already have access to plenty of mind-bending substances , from alcohol and tobacco to diet pills .
28 But if appointment as a lord of session was major patronage at any period in Scotland 's history , there was in the eighteenth century considerable demand for any post which could make use of legal education , for there is some reason to believe that the country was oversupplied with lawyers in view of the desperate efforts which some of them made to obtain a salaried post , no matter how minor .
29 Thus even though a clearly recognizable individual equivalent of the mother-goddesses of primal agriculture will probably never be found in early childhood , there is some reason to believe that it may manifest itself later in life .
30 The durability of these cars makes them a prime target for clockers and is another reason to insist on up-to-date service schedules .
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