Example sentences of "be [vb pp] on trial " in BNC.

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1 Five years later he was judged by the hospital staff and by the Home Secretary , who has to agree to the fitness of certain patients held for indeterminate periods , to be discharged on trial leave .
2 Legislation to allow Nazi war criminals to be put on trial passed its first reading in the Commons .
3 The prisoner was forbidden all human rights , to communicate with his family , to be represented by a lawyer , to protest against the torture , or even to be put on trial .
4 is the knowledge that if er , we 'd been talking about them two hundred and fifty years ago we 'd be put on trial and probably burnt to death .
5 Speaking at the ceremony on Nov. 4 , 1989 , to mark the inauguration of his third term in office President Sassou-Nguesso announced that former head of state Gen. Joachim Yhombi Opango , would be put on trial with three senior Army officers and three civilians in connection with a rebellion in July 1987 [ see pp. 35371 ; 36199 ] .
6 ( The Iraqis had themselves declared on Sept. 24 that Bush was to be put on trial in mid-October for war crimes against Palestinians through US co-operation with the " Zionist entity " and for killings in Panama and Grenada . )
7 The Hrawi government announced that he would be prevented from leaving Lebanon and would be put on trial charged with mutiny and the misuse of public funds .
8 In the days following Ershad 's downfall pressure mounted for him to be put on trial .
9 No agreement would be signed which did not " stipulate concrete measures aimed at preventing the repetition of the genocidal regime " , and the " Pol Potist ringleaders " must be put on trial .
10 Speakers from an opposition tripartite coalition of the Democratic , Social Democratic and Republican Parties and the Union of Independent Trade Unions of Albania ( UITUA ) called for an end to communist influence in the media and the Foreign Ministry , and for top party officials to be put on trial .
11 Sara Calloway , of Women Against Rape , said the 18-year-old victim 's character had been put on trial and not the police officer 's .
12 A number of people had been put on trial , Mr Petkel said .
13 A number of people had been put on trial , Mr Petkel said .
14 As the reader now knows , and as Willie 's advisers should have told him , there was massive proof that Cooper and McMahon were innocent and should never have been put on trial , let alone convicted .
15 Musa had been put on trial in May 1989 for allegedly forming a political party before the ban on party politics had been lifted .
16 By Sept. 13 , 69 soldiers had been put on trial and executed for their part in the coup attempt [ see pp. 37700 ; 37810 ] .
17 He had been put on trial in May 1991 , in what was seen as an attempt to weaken the nationalist opposition .
18 A solicitor has claimed that three men found not guilty of the manslaughter of twin girls should never have been put on trial .
19 A solicitor has claimed that three men found not guilty of the manslaughter of twin girls should never have been put on trial .
20 When forty-two railway-workers who defected from Syzran' station were put on trial , their sentence was alleviated because they had not been paid .
21 Various generals and admirals who had been prominent in the war effort were put on trial for their lives in the International Military Tribunal for the Far East ( IMTFE ) , which met in Tokyo between 1946 and 1948 .
22 Gradually the gang was rounded up , and nine were put on trial in Aylesbury .
23 Jew Süss featured Conrad Veidt as an ambitious aristocrat at a German court , whose intrigues lead to his being put on trial under an old law forbidding sexual relations between Jews and Gentiles , and the film was made because of its relevance to the contemporary situation in Germany .
24 Experimentation is based on trial and error .
25 Karl Radek , who , only five months earlier , had himself written in L'Humanite of the need to eradicate Trotskyite subversion and anti-Soviet activities , was placed on trial together with his " accomplices " , accused of espionage , terrorism and collaboration with Hitler and Trotsky in an attempt to overthrow the Soviet state .
26 Sources here said that if Mr Schalck-Golodkowski was put on trial his inside knowledge of life under Mr Erich Honecker could prove highly detrimental to the already disgraced former East German leaders .
27 The Forum also revealed it was proposing Mr Jan Czarnogursky , the prominent Slovak lawyer and human rights activist who only last month under the old regime was put on trial , for the post of prime minister or first deputy prime minister .
28 Sources here said that if Mr Schalck-Golodkowski was put on trial his inside knowledge of life under Mr Erich Honecker could prove highly detrimental to the already disgraced former East German leaders .
29 Later it came out in the press , there were some shocking pictures , and one of the company 's officers , Lieutenant William Calley ( 25 ) , was put on trial for war crimes .
30 Mossadeq was put on trial and blamed a British plot for his own downfall .
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