Example sentences of "be [adv] fair than " in BNC.

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1 But larger districts are usually fairer than small .
2 The British Open is the finest major in the world and it 's much fairer than ours .
3 Because , it is , I think that 's much fairer than doing minutes , cos you still get the
4 If he is n't prepared to do that then he must accept the workings of a system which is much fairer than the system which was previously enforced .
5 Home Office Minister , John Patten who 's also MP for Oxford west and Abingdon , says the scheme is much fairer than at present .
6 It will provide massive rebates for those who are worse off ; and it will be welcomed by the majority of the public , who will realise that it is far fairer than the community charge , that it is progressive and that it will work .
7 Although Jerry was of the same height , he was much fairer than I , with very attractive blue eyes , he was slighter of build , and had a much sweeter disposition .
8 It may be that the Sri Lankan system of crime control was more fair than most others , that it did not discriminate against those least able to defend themselves , and that the ‘ real ’ profile of Sri Lankan lawbreakers was not much different from those of other societies .
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