Example sentences of "be [adj] off the " in BNC.

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1 We 've lots of gift ideas and , if you 're quick off the mark , you could win one of our giveaways on pages 12 and 13 .
2 Salad crops , however , are quick off the mark .
3 Police are quick off the mark about that in Mansfield . ’
4 And they prove that the Mold theatre has been quick off the mark to snap up an astonishing new Welsh talent .
5 They are so keen to get on with it that they can be guaranteed to see the rabbit before any human and are fast off the mark .
6 I 'm due off the first tee at ten past twelve .
7 The sustain and the feedback was amazing , but boy , you had to be quick off the mark to damp the strings , or the whole thing would feed back unbelievably .
8 Young oil painters will have to be quick off the mark to get their entries in to the Winsor & Newton/Royal Institute of Oil Painters Young Artists competition .
9 But UK firms will have to be quick off the mark to benefit .
10 One result of this is that the pied flycatcher must be quick off the mark early in the season in order to get the most nutritious caterpillars .
11 It 'll establish efficient links between North Oxfordshire 's farmers and the police helping them to be quick off the mark if anything dubious is noticed .
12 IBM is said to be late off the mark and may not get the chance to inject itself officially .
13 And she probably would n't be far off the mark either , Rory realised grimly .
14 If you tend to be inaccurate off the tee , remember that a tailwind usually reduces the effects of side spin on the ball so here 's your opportunity for the long drive .
15 A gaze into a crystal ball showed that the Europeans would out-drive the Americans , would make more greens in regulation but were prone to be wild off the tee .
16 As yet , Kelly and Sear have not formally published their calculations , which are hot off the Norwich computer .
17 These are hot off the press are n't they Miss .
18 ‘ Christ , they were quick off the mark , Piper , ’ remarked the driver , swinging the jeep round and heading back along the road to Brigade H.Q. Nos. 3 and 6 Commando were pulling out as we entered the village ; no sign of 45 Royal Marine Commando .
19 Although some schools were quick off the mark to evacuate their children , it was not until May 1940 when the German Wehrmacht overran Holland , Belgium and struck deep into northern France that schools in danger areas began to take seriously the need for evacuation .
20 Several companies that were quick off the mark — Barclays Bank , Salomon Brothers and Sotheby 's among them — have found princely quarters in the Palais am Festungsgraben , a baroque palace that formerly housed the German-Soviet Friendship Society .
21 and , who work in Risley 's Effluent Plant Projects Office , were quick off the mark in the second race and were back in the boat house long before the second boat , crewed by and , had completed the required four laps .
22 Colleagues , just to try and let you know what , er I 've got in my mind concerning the business that 's fell off the agenda yesterday and today so far .
23 Another sound recording problem is wind-noise off the micro-phone , and some camcorders are fitted with a wind-noise filter switch which can help to reduce this annoying fault .
24 It 's straight off the ferry and on to the road . ’
25 Tactics play a secondary role to board speed ; many a race is won by the sailor who is fast off the line and avoids dirty wind enough to use his speed advantage .
26 ‘ She is fast off the grid , accelerates smoothly , gains speed very quickly and keeps the momentum going .
27 ‘ He 's fast off the mark , eh ?
28 Another tanker 's stuck off the Azores
29 There are two broad categories ; the one type is available off the peg , supported by large software houses and is designed for general application ; the other is tailored specifically for the employment agency market and is naturally more expensive but usually more user friendly since it is written to perform a specific set of operations .
30 That 's only a theory , mind you , and it may be a silly one , but I do n't think it 's far off the mark . ’
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