Example sentences of "be [prep] actually [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Erm in your opinion er how how suitable do you think the flats are for actually bringing up s a family .
2 Would it be worth actually having a , having a sort of a planning meeting , say you know for the first half hour of one of these meetings , the next one say that we have , you know , a wall planner , you know , a chart and
3 All that they would be tendering for would be to actually run the facility , and there 's no reason to suppose that a private contractor can do that any more cheaply , if they deliver the same quality of service , as the Local Authority can do , so it would n't actually save money , all it would do would mean that control of the level of service that was being delivered at those facilities was lost from the Council to a private contractor .
4 It 's all out there on the street and it 's the closet I 've ever been and probably the nearest I will ever be to actually feeling part of the world .
5 The only thing I could do I mean at the same time I 'm saying O K I 'll go in to do it this way , would be to actually say , sod this for a lark , instead of doing erm totally private thing , gon na set up a private limited company to issue cheques .
6 While Graham Taylor 's loadsamoney outfit add to their lucrative market value by pulling on England shirts , half-a-dozen of the mountain men 's reward for tackling their Everest will be to actually find themselves out of pocket .
7 He , he picks on us to say how determined we are to actually go into the profession because he knows that er , although there are more parts for females there it 's harder for somebody to stand out .
8 Is that when you actually sit down and you you know we if we were to actually cross out the words that were sexist in the service book , you know , er and put the non-sexist alternatives in .
9 especially if I were to actually get , if I get that I 'd consider going if I could get a place in the halls , the residence
10 I think it 's worth actually looking at that policy .
11 Furthermore , it is not possible to talk about the " type " of thing substance is without actually talking about the substance itself , for substance is by definition one , and any suggestion that there might be different specimens of it is incoherent .
12 As it happens , the most convincing way of pretending to clean a window is to actually do so .
13 One way round that is to actually measure the alkalinity of the water .
14 But the Health Authority insists no-one will be put at risk , and that the plan is to actually IMPROVE services .
15 And in another sense what we do n't do often is to actually recognize the significance of the child 's question because of the language he puts it in .
16 And in another sense what we do n't do often is to actually recognize the significance of the child 's question because of the language he puts it in .
17 is to actually give you another note for the moment for say
18 Well I think the thing to do is to actually give you the higher dose patches .
19 Ward Sisters are actually managing resources at the moment , and part of their job is to actually give patients the best possible care within the resources that they actually have .
20 And the only way to really run gilts if you 're serious is to actually trade them .
21 What he might be doing is to actually seek to increase the proportion of our very vulnerable population into the means testing category and that what he 's got to watch is that he does n't end up in a position whereby defining health care in one way and social care very carefully .
22 Erm , good thing is to actually say , to define the terms of the question and say how you 're gon na answer them .
23 One of the things we 've been doing this year is to actually have a club once a week , a sort of club night , when teachers can come it — this is particularly primary teachers — and use our machinery , look at our programs , go through our library and meet each other , so that the people who have got some expertise can then go back to the school and sort of spread their information and their enthusiasm in their schools .
24 But what they have done is something quite unprecedented in my view and that is to actually write to the Secretary of State and say to him do not exercise your rights to call this matter in to consider beside or above th the County Planning Authority .
25 Well the feeling is a erm a great lack of understanding of what it is to actually live erm in poverty .
26 ‘ The latest idea is to actually take them out to the hairdresser 's or shopping , so that happens every month without fail , sometimes more often .
27 And I also do n't think that there 's any need for this extra recommendation in most commonwave that a question , and that is to actually find out the expenses claim by individuals .
28 I think first of all Chairman , the point about the Airport 's Policy Consortium that er it is relevant erm , er perhaps you realise the whole purpose of , the risk of debt of the Airport 's Policy Consortium is to actually push er development from Heathrow to Stansted and I would say that it will happen , that 's what they are trying to do .
29 The only way is to actually see how it develops .
30 to get them this across is , is to actually see it .
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