Example sentences of "be [prep] [det] doubt " in BNC.

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1 If you 're in any doubt , read the advice and guidelines starting on page 20 .
2 If you 're in any doubt — drive on and call the police .
3 That 's right , erm always make sure that the injured parts are well supported bandages should be firm enough to do the job and large enough to cover the wound all of this is the sort of thing which you need to be referring back to if you 're in any doubt .
4 But please if you 're in any doubt have a word with your electrical contractor , unless you are a competent person yourself and capable of doing it yourself and working out the , the ampage yourself .
5 If you 're in any doubt about it , do n't — you 'll do less harm if you leave it than if you prune at the wrong time .
6 If you 're in any doubt , see Mike Freeman . ’
7 And in case you 're in any doubt , that was a compliment ! ’ she added tartly as she climbed from the bag and began to struggle into her now dry clothes .
8 I will pass in silence over my feelings for you , for they can mean little to you at present ( though I am in some doubt as to when ‘ at present ’ is ) , though I assure you that what briefly flowered between us one morning is a blossom that will not perish , however many mornings remain .
9 If and in so far as there are any presumptions which assist in my conclusions ( and I instinctively dislike introducing presumptions in reaching a decision of fact as crucial as this ) , the presumption that a state of affairs continues until the evidence suggests that it no longer pertains is more to the point than the submission of Mr. Levy that the sanctity of life is so vital an interest to protect that if I am in any doubt that should take precedence .
10 At the time of the lobby revolt , ‘ No one could have been in any doubt that if they went over to [ the rebel papers ' ] side , they would cook their goose with Number Ten . ’
11 Yet he got off to a good start against New Zealand , and no one in England could have been in any doubt that even without Lloyd around their heroes were in for a tough time .
12 A few seconds later I was despising myself for having been in any doubt .
13 If she 'd been in any doubt as to the strength of my feelings , she had no excuse any longer .
14 That 's never been in any doubt — particularly to him .
15 ‘ That last has never been in any doubt .
16 Here , the appropriate leader of change had been in some doubt .
17 The future of the Cotswold line from Oxford to Worcester , has been in some doubt following a leaked BR report which revealed that it was to have no further investment , despite its pre-war signalling and rustic stations .
18 Naturally , one looks ahead to his year and we are in little doubt that Nick will provide scope for further celebrations . ’
19 If you are in any doubt , ask for a medical opinion and for guidance on how to approach a particular resident .
20 Just in case you are in any doubt though , you can treat this as an enthusiastic endorsement .
21 Lest we are in any doubt about where responsibility for pedestrian casualties lies , propaganda on pedestrian accidents is aimed at the pedestrian , rarely at the motorist : as one ‘ public information announcement ’ has it , ‘ One false move and you 're dead . ’
22 It will be very important for you to study the leaflet mentioned above carefully to discover exactly what your parent 's position will be , and if you are in any doubt , ask for an interview with the Medical Social Worker at the hospital or see the Enquiry Clerk at the local Social Security Office .
23 The fan can be discreetly housed and hardwired in the back of the flightcase , but if you are in any doubt contact the equipment manufacturers for advice .
24 If you are in any doubt as to whether you can carry out this modification , have it done for you by your local repairer , or at least seek more detailed instructions .
25 If the model is rotating , or apparently flying backwards , or you are in any doubt about what it is doing , apply some forward cyclic .
26 If you are in any doubt about the fit , try another shoe .
27 If you are in any doubt as the whether you should be attempting these exercises , consult your doctor — particularly if you suffer from a heart condition , a serious weight problem , varicose veins or an asthmatic illness .
28 However , as a general rule you can not go wrong with the basic colours , and if you are in any doubt do n't try to use a complicated mix of colours and textures .
29 ‘ The captain has the authority to make his position clear but if the umpires are in any doubt about what to do they will immediately consult with the match referee whose decision would be final .
30 Few are in any doubt that there is plenty more pain to come , and it may well be that the interim management is now expected to clear the decks , steel itself to announce another enormous net loss for the current quarter and let the new chief executive and team come in with a clean sheet .
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