Example sentences of "be [adj] in several " in BNC.

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1 Of course , it could be claimed that this was the same thing as : but it has been pointed out that the two versions are different in several ways .
2 In the purchase of material goods , issues of quantity , quality , price and delivery are crucial in several respects .
3 But the problems raised by global warming are unprecedented in several respects , so that the established tools of economic analysis can not deal with them properly .
4 The bureau has been involved in several local residents ' campaigns for improved amenities and has also produced a report on racism in North Tyneside , aimed at persuading the local authority to look at its range of services within the borough .
5 Archie Turnbull took early retirement in 1987 , suggesting as his successor Martin Spencer , then running Manchester University Press , which had been involved in several successful collaborative ventures with EUP .
6 He has been involved in several research projects relating to the spatial impacts of industrial organisation and change within the UK and EC .
7 Political pressure on Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa increased in February , with fresh allegations that senior government figures had been involved in several cases of corruption .
8 Ripa De Meana had been involved in several conflicts with the UK government over such as issues as drinking water and clean beach standards and various transport projects [ see pp. 38544 ; R132 ] .
9 Levack had been involved in several big contracts , including the Johnstone by-pass , a joint venture on the M74 with Edmund Nuttall and reconstruction of Rothesay Pier , all of which are now completed .
10 Tidal ranges are important in several respects .
11 I am not suggesting that you should collapse in a soggy heap if you bang your head or shut your finger in the door ; but suppressing tears when you are really unhappy is suppressing the grief itself and this can be harmful in several ways :
12 Whereas Haslam has found that a detached outside perspective has proved to be valuable in several of the companies he has served as a board member , his early intimate knowledge of the coal industry was equally beneficial when he was asked to become chairman of British Coal , bringing his career full circle .
13 A blocker could be useful in several ways , and a compound ( dichlorisoprenaline ) was developed accordingly .
14 The homology between the PPT element and the previously proposed sequence found in the type II sodium channel gene and proposed to be present in several neuronal genes .
15 This edition was found to be inadequate in several respects , and the same could be said of all editions until the eighteenth .
16 Machines can be helpful in several ways .
17 This can be particularly important in family-held groups , where holdings are often complicated by the workings of trusts and the family may be resident in several countries .
18 ( 1983 ) have argued that maps based on the European Air Chemistry Network may be misleading in several respects , such as in failing adequately to show the pattern of time variations over the years or the large degree of uncertainty attaching to individual contours , and assuming a geographical homogeneity which is not borne out by detailed calculations with data taken from adjacent sites .
19 Remedial measures to curb soil erosion , involving the use of grass hedges , have also been successful in several southern Indian states .
20 Online services are available in several departments in all six companies .
21 Both are available in several languages , although the quality of translations particularly of Agence Europe out of French is unreliable .
22 Pathfinder crews were lucky in several ways .
23 The platelet organelle zone is rich in several types of organelles .
24 It is not easy to find parallels in other areas of public policy , even though the underlying question of the relationship between the family and the state is similar in several spheres .
25 It is sad in several ways , not just because it springs from genuine human grief but because poor Uncle Ted , no matter how theologically illiterate he may have been , deserves better .
26 Although the poem is conventional in several respects , it ends critically , not with the shepherdess cheered up by a song or by the sight of another attractive shepherd , but with Daphne recognizing that she has been gullible about her young man .
27 This Databank is unique in several respects :
28 Though the available data on the contribution record of workers from different socio-economic groups is inadequate in several ways , it can be justifiably claimed that members of the lower socio-economic groups are more likely than members of the higher socio-economic groups to be among the non-qualifiers and , in the years when they existed , to be receiving lower-earnings-related benefits .
29 IL-6 is involved in several biological responses ( for reviews , see 13–14 ) .
30 Rather , as was mentioned , it is concerned in several ways with parts of such circumstances , often enough a single condition .
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