Example sentences of "be [verb] around [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I might , my children in actual fact have been flown around Scotland in the Nimrods and such like .
2 Armoured cars had appeared near the city centre and police barriers had been placed around Red Square , which was next to Manezh Square .
3 After the Croats , who had been halted around Bleiburg , had been disarmed ( they also included many civilians ) , they were force-marched out of Austria into Yugoslavia .
4 Have been walking around London all day .
5 Imagine a polyglot College Art Association conference whose concurrent sessions are scattered around town for an entire week , and you will have some idea of the confusion that enveloped the event .
6 This message has been carried around Europe in recent days by the normally reticent Nicholas Brady , America 's Treasury secretary .
7 To try and address these problems , the New Business sales team , which has hitherto been organised around operating system environments , is to refocus on the requirements of specific industry sectors .
8 Despite extensive evidence from numerous independent sources to the effect that there is little to choose between the performance of a well formulated detergent and the invariably more expensive combined products , known as sanitisers , a whole industry has been built around marketing sanitisation .
9 Civilian activists are positioned around army barracks , tracking army units ' movements and reporting to special emergency headquarters .
10 The shoulder and elbow joints are built around precision variable resistors and as each joint swivels so the variable resistor turns .
11 Most of these control devices are built around microprocessors .
12 This is so whether we have in mind disciplines which are largely cognitive in character , or those — such as in the performing arts — which are built around action .
13 Trading Standards boss Peter Mawdsley claims 80,000 people are injured around November 5 , not 800 as recorded by the government .
14 ‘ You 've been seen around London lately with both John D. Hansom and Roderick Luckey , and rumour has it that both men want to marry you .
15 Just as can happen in families sometimes , the relationships between individuals in an enterprise are organized around fear of aggression from strangers , i.e. , comparing companies , which then makes each person submit to the authority of his supervisor .
16 If you 're driving around New England in the autumn a convertible is the obvious choice of car
17 Well hopefully we 're tr we 're chasing around Michael Allison at the moment .
18 At one time for example she was reported to have been racing around Melbourne in a brand new pink sports car .
19 Meanwhile , congressmen from energy-producing states are going around town telling everybody who is willing to listen what splendid concessions they got in return for their votes .
20 A bib had been tied around Bissell 's neck to collect the raw , liquid plaster which oozed from his mouth where it congealed and hardened .
21 It was too mortifying for words , and it intensified the vulnerable feeling she 'd been experiencing around Guy Sterne .
22 In recent years the introduction of high power graphics cards and GUI 's have meant that we are no longer faced with the plain vanilla text and a mouse is n't just a furry rodent , but still many applications are based around text , multi media will change all that , bringing 24-bit colour and digital quality sound to our PC 's .
23 Six of the top 20 building societies are based around Leeds : the Halifax ( see page 120 ) , the Leeds Permanent , the National and Provincial , the Bradford and Bingley , the Leeds and Holbeck , and the Yorkshire .
24 The whole Manson range are based around bodies of alder , a stable , medium-to-lightweight timber that Fender themselves often used on guitars from late 1956 onwards .
25 The Campaign attacks the carve-up of the brewing industry by vested interests , and the way that large companies are getting around legislation following the 1989 MMC Report .
26 ‘ He and Elise are travelling around India and after they 've been everywhere there they plan to go on to Thailand and … ’
27 A wind of change has been blowing around Windsor Park
28 A wind of change has been blowing around Windsor Park over the past 12 months and Campbell is now regarded as just another new player who will breeze in .
29 When Eliot heard that Wyndham Lewis had been travelling around North Africa in a thick English suit , he remarked , " Lewis was always a heavily dressed man " ; and of a lady who had acquired too many petrol coupons during the first year of the war , he said , " There is always bound to be a certain element of iniquity in these matters " .
30 Minas Gerais , for example , wanted to gain some of the job-creating benefits of playing host to foreigners that had previously been concentrated around Sao Paolo , and did a deal with Fiat ; Parana acted similarly with Volvo .
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