Example sentences of "[am/are] so [adv] [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps part of the fascination of movies has always been that they trigger off so many memories but what is interesting about so much film-making in the 1920s is that movies are so closely associated with that age of the masses that had come at the end of one century and the beginning of another .
2 The largest-selling newspapers in Britain are owned by swashbuckling businessmen who do not hesitate to interfere with the editorial content of their papers and whose personal politics are so well known to all their staff that the proprietors can set the political tone of their employees ' work without crude , direct , and explicit interference .
3 Her ears are so finely tuned to this that she can pick out a prospective mate 's voice from a cacophony of croaks .
4 These are so often fastened by those who , in the name of love , secure our chains daily in case we have any notions of escape .
5 Why is it that women readers , whether of the romance , the soap or girls ' magazines , are so often used in this way ?
6 ‘ The thing about you , Helen , if I may say so , is that you are so refreshingly detached from all that one finds disagreeable about contemporary life . ’
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