Example sentences of "[am/are] so [adj] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I am so sorry that I caused you such grief by acting as I did , by going off without telling anyone .
2 ‘ I am so disappointed because I had the chance .
3 I am so pleased that we have solved the dilemma and we can feel morally superior !
4 I believe they represent the very best of the BBC 's tradition in journalism and I am so pleased that you have chosen to honour them .
5 ‘ I am so pleased when you do as I ask . ’
6 I am so glad that you came north over Easter , and I hope it wo n't be too long before we can get to know each other a little better .
7 ‘ James , ’ she said in a flat voice , ‘ I am so glad that you have come . ’
8 Yet I am so little and I live behind hard iron bars , eating synthoats … ’
9 The blocks are produced because andesite lavas are so viscous that they flow as plastic , rather than liquid , materials and consist of an outer chilled surface of solid rock with a steady progression towards increasing plasticity in the hotter , central parts of the flow .
10 Brooding busts by Frink are so powerful that they dominate the largest room in the exhibition .
11 We males naturally reject the idea that we 're not at all times ready to cream anything that moves as a monstrous slander on our virility , while women certainly do n't want to think that creatures whose sexual urges are so undiscriminating that they have been known to rape grannies and animals and even corpses , for God 's sake , could possibly find them so unattractive that they need to simulate orgasm .
12 These colours are so strong that you have to thin quite a bit to gain softer tones .
13 Though such rumours can not be proved , they are so endemic that they suggest something of the sort has been occurring .
14 My own opinion is that the salaries of judges are so low that they do not attract the best brains .
15 In the middle there is a little pond with a fountain , and the golden carp that swim in it are so tame that they come at the sound of Dennis 's voice .
16 Those lost souls are so impoverished that they shave their heads in order that they may rub alcohol into them .
17 The overhead wires are so slight that you have to look hard to see them .
18 The graphics on this game are so good that I kept trying to push the buttons on the screen .
19 FEW PLACES have such a gentle and equable climate that animals living there never need seek shelter ; and few animals are so well-armed that they do not welcome somewhere to hide from their enemies or a safe nursery for their young .
20 The simplest explanation for the persistence of the displacement model is that problems arising from pupils ' behaviour are so stressful that they provoke an expedient response .
21 The pollutions which escape the field officer 's shroud of privacy are those which are so noticeable that they attract widespread public attention , or those where a complainant is of such status that he may enjoy direct contact with senior staff .
22 ‘ I 'm sorry we 're late , but these newly fashionable districts are so remote that we had difficulty in finding our way here , ’ said Gervase Fairfax .
23 But the quantities of lead and nitrates which the EC is making a fuss about are so small that they represent a negligible — perhaps even a non-existent — hazard to health .
24 We believe that the advantages of insurance are so great that we hope that lenders will try to persuade their customers to take it , voluntarily .
25 These are so overwhelming that they stop adults going on to do the courses they applied for or enquired about .
26 There are paints which are so liquid that they resemble inks , paints of a more creamy consistency and also free-flowing acrylics in tubes .
27 I learned Dimac from a lama in Tibet and my hands are so deadly that I have to keep them in a locked closet when they 're not in use .
28 Unfortunately it is crucial to know which species of snake is involved because snake poisons are so complex that it has proved impossible to develop a ‘ multi-venin' that will treat all forms of snakebite .
29 Speaking at the charter 's launch , Jonathon Porritt said that it was extraordinary that " people who are paying perhaps £200 a night are so dirty that they need a new towel every night " .
30 Spreadsheet models are so useful that they have a tendency to outgrow the capabilities of the software that has been used to implement them .
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