Example sentences of "[am/are] in [noun] for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They 're in camp for a holiday
2 They 're in Oxford for a preview of Scrooge the musical … what 's been billed at the hottest show outside of London .
3 As long as they 're in Pesth for the start of the journey south , they can do very much as they like , although none of them will be welcome at court . ’
4 I am with my mother , stepfather and half brother who are in London for a week .
5 If people go to bed and are in bed for a week or more and we do all of that , all that stroking and loving , then when they actually go there 's a relief at them no longer having the pain and the shock . ’
6 And those Games are in preparation for a trip to Spain for the Junior European Championships in July .
7 Orthodox painters and avant-garde ‘ heresiarchs ’ in this are in competition for the consecration of the institutions .
8 From the moment you were born your future has been my one aim , and now to see your trailing after that little slut , you who are in line for a title … ’
9 But there 's better news for Oxford fans … the club are in line for a windfall of three hundred thousand pounds which they 're going to spend on new players …
10 FAMILIES are in line for a Christmas cash boost from the taxman , the Inland Revenue said last night .
11 Operations geophysicist Erik Havarstein has been responsible for mobilising the seismic vessel for the survey and has spent time in Lagos ensuring the technical specification and safety standards are in place for the survey .
12 Add to this Geraldine McKewan 's Gertrude and Julia Ford 's Ophelia and all the ingredients are in place for the Bard 's finest play .
13 He will also be aware that arrangements are in place for the liquidators to aid banks in their assessment of applications made by small businesses and personal customers for alternative facilities .
14 We have prepared a wide-ranging study kit for GCSE , which will be available next term , and preparations are in hand for a scheme to construct solid links between schools and their local tennis club .
15 If Liz asks , I 'm in bed for a while .
16 So on , for example , the fifteenth of that particular month , er , I 'm in Manchester for the day , I have one meeting at ten o'clock and I have another meeting at three thirty .
17 ‘ I 'm in Naples for a number of reasons … ’
18 First , they take money from those who save , whether it be in exchange for a deposit or in exchange for an asset .
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