Example sentences of "the issues [that] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The next best thing is to show that you are aware of the issues that surround a choice of text ( some of these will probably be explained in the introductory " Note on the Text " ) .
2 The issues that surround the topic/comment distinction are at present quite ill understood , and discussion has been confused by terminological chaos ( see Gundel , 1977 ; Lyons , 1977a : 500ff ) , although the subject is clearly of considerable importance to pragmatic theory .
3 The government responded by establishing another committee to investigate the carefully marshalled findings of the interdepartmental committee on the issues that attracted most public attention .
4 Part of our reaction to that situation has been negative , especially the behaviourist interlude that sought to define out of existence many of the issues that confront us , but for the most part the approach has been a steady accumulation of experimental data in anticipation of the day when meaningful theories could be developed .
5 It needs to understand more deeply the issues that confront the peoples of Asia .
6 In order to participate meaningfully within the community members of this group must actively engage in the issues that confront them .
7 TAG creates a specific workshop programme for each production which offers pupils a platform for creative expression while investigating one man 's account of Scottish rural and town life and some of the issues that affected Scotland in the early part of the century .
8 Having expressed the main factors about the situation in rich picture form , the analysts than considered viewpoints that were relevant , and the systems that might be developed to explore the issues that had been uncovered .
9 With the approaching end of war in 1918 coalition became more positive because the coalition now had to deal with the issues that had been put aside for the duration , and more controversial because this pushed some Unionists into outright opposition .
10 The joint statement that had been issued by the two leaders at Geneva also addressed some of the issues that had arisen in the arms control negotiations .
11 The issues that stem from the nature of administration itself are more complex .
12 We need to examine the issues that bind and divide this country .
13 We need to ensure , for the health of this country , that a wide range of voice and view is heard by allowing proper national debate about the issues that bind us as well as the issues that divide us .
14 These are some of the issues that inform my approach to labourism .
15 These , then , were some of the issues that took my time .
16 Similar preoccupations dominated the issues that took It into the spring of 1967 .
17 One of the issues that called for more profound thought than usual was the direction United Biscuits should take after its products had come to command the lion 's share of the market and could n't be expected to squeeze out many more sales .
18 One of the issues that arises concerning the inhabitants of squatter settlements is integration into city life , since many of them are migrants and all of them are living in an area which is peripheral , in terms of city services and location .
19 Among the most urgent of the issues that need to be tackled are the following :
20 However , Liberal Democrats believe that the cabinet is already too large and that such a proposal risks sweeping the issues that need to be addressed into the corner .
21 The issues that need to be taken into consideration when selecting a parser have been discussed .
22 there is an issue and clearly if we are not in the sixteen double O four six eight O seven business we are going to lose share , we may not lose total volume , I am confused about that , but do n't try and sort it out now , but those are the issues that need to be tackled , and you need to produce between you some sort of projection paper which lays out the way that you see this bit of the steering business going in the future , and recommends what we should be doing , and what the volumes are to support that , and what the volumes are likely to be .
23 Simply , that the issues that affect our lives are entirely underpinned by a belief in women 's dubious nature ; their animality , their polluting tendencies , a sense that something might just erupt from the female that is dangerous and needs to be controlled .
24 The Conservatives are acting on the issues that affect your local area — in the coming year we will …
25 Such decision makers may have little experience of the issues that affect women or ethnic minorities , for example .
26 Apart from the issues that affect Mr. Thorpe personally , questions are raised by this form of treatment that affect any national health service patient who is similarly afflicted .
27 The present paper looks first at the general context of the discussions within Ashdown School and then outlines some of the issues that emerged from the research .
28 If , however , a society is so divided that it contains within itself one or more permanent minorities , who know that on the issues that matter most to them they can never hope to get their way , precisely because of the operation of the majority principle , then that principle ceases to be adequate .
29 " NI covers the issues that matter in way that counts . "
30 Science as it is presented in schools , he argues , seems irrelevant to most 13–16-year-olds , and if we are to recruit more pupils into scientific careers , then science should be shown to have some relationship to the issues that concern them .
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