Example sentences of "the chance [verb] their " in BNC.

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1 In the mid-19705 , in Great Britain , the polytechnics of Liverpool and Newcastle.upon-Tyne are offering a three.year degree course in librarianship which can be transformed into an honours degree by a fourth-year course in education , leading to dual qualification ; Leeds Polytechnic plans to follow suit , and already offers three.year. trained teachers the chance to turn their qualification into a bachelor 's degree by intensive part-time study of librarianship .
2 They say the chance to turn their lives around is being threatened by cuts to the centre 's funding .
3 Since interest rates started falling millions of homeowners have had the chance to remortgage their home and pocket lower interest deals .
4 this new series of graded readers gives students the chance to extend their learning beyond the classroom through enjoyable extensive reading .
5 The same day teachers will get the chance to wear their school 's uniform for a small contribution .
6 In the primary care sector of the NHS , general practitioners ( GPs ) with large practices are to be offered the chance to control their own budgets and to buy hospital services on behalf of their patients .
7 But how would the British react to being given the chance to air their views face to face with a politician ?
8 The centre boasts fewer sporting facilities than the Lompoc prison camp in California , which offered inmates the chance to improve their tennis and basketmaking skills .
9 Given the division of evidence , the stewards offered the three protesting teams the chance to withdraw their objections to Hunt 's victory .
10 ‘ We hope people will come and take the chance to remember their wedding day , one of the memorable days of their lives . ’
11 SCHOOLCHILDREN in the North West are being offered the chance to create their own art on computers during novel ‘ computer camps ’ this summer in the Magee and Coleraine campuses of the University of Ulster .
12 The highlight of the event will be tomorrow , when they will get the chance to drive their cars around the original test-track and be taken on a tour of the factory .
13 Under this approach , technology gives workers the chance to use their imagination and their insight on behalf of the company .
14 They also want the chance to use their minds and energies in a wider sphere than just the home .
15 LAMP and RAMP have found that because pupils rarely get the chance to use their own initiative , they become even more dependent on their teacher for direction .
16 Only then , they say , will more of us get the chance to taste their brew .
17 Would-be engine drivers and guards are lining up at the Buckinghamshire Railway Centre at Quainton for the chance to transform their own personal childhood fantasy into reality .
18 All three get the chance to put their case against Ipswich tonight .
19 To see that all parties get justice , are dealt with fairly and get the chance to put their cases to the best of their abilities .
20 Given the chance to put their MEP on the spot in Strasbourg , this generation wants to be sure they 're on the right track .
21 Both men have the chance to put their cases at a series of election meetings between 22 March and 8 April , with voting papers to be returned by 12 May .
22 The third series will feature new slots such as ‘ Sexy At Sixty ’ , where viewers will have the chance to nominate their choice of who is sexy at sixty ; the major political parties will be quizzed on their policies of older people and there will be regular films of ‘ remarkable people doing remarkable things ’ .
23 Bright young engineers from rival firms are attracted to Keyence by the chance to do their own research , rather than labouring for years under grey-haired supervisors .
24 There are surely plenty of unemployed people who for long were treated as less than human , who now long for the chance to demonstrate their humanity in helping others , and doing it with a smile .
25 The idea of telephone engineer Iain Robertson , it gave local people the chance to see their own favourite picture displayed among those of other villagers .
26 It 's the first time the farm at Over just outside Gloucester has offered people the chance to pick their own pumpkins … and already many of the 12,000 giant orange vegetables spread across the 5 acre plot have been sold .
27 Bremner felt strongly that workers should have the chance to explore their own personal agendas on sexuality in general , and not just focus on gay men and lesbians in particular .
28 They would be given a 15-second credit at the start of each programme , 10 seconds at the end and the chance to screen their name either side of the break !
29 I would say that it is our job to let people judge for themselves and have the opportunity to see controversial productions , whether it 's dance or drama , and unless people have the opportunity , and unless the companies are given the chance to perform their own thing , that drama and dance in the long run will die .
30 VETERANS from the perilous Second World War Arctic convoys to the Soviet Union are to have the chance to relive their historic efforts — but without the hardship they once endured .
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